Getting Away With Murder

Pamela Geller's brilliant ad for AFDI

Pamela Geller’s brilliant ad for AFDI

When I was a teenager I had a ” frenemy.” Her father cashed a small check from a part time job I had, and  since he gave me a little too much change I returned the overage. Boy, was my “frenemy” angry.  She screamed at me that I was “too moral.” I never forgot that or undersood how someone could say that until recently , as I see individuals and governments getting away with murder both literally and figuratively.

I used to think I lived in a moral country. This was the country that saved Europe  and released survivors  from the hell of  Nazi concentration camps.  It was one of the earliest countries to abolish slavery and to give women the vote. The sixties saw the Civil Rights Act end segregation in the Southern Democrat states after blacks and whites joined together to make Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream a reality. Our taxes pay for an education for all children no matter race, religion, or economic situation. We even provide bus transportation and subsidized daycare for the children of teenage “baby mommas.”

My grandparents were always thankful that the United States granted them legal entry. They quickly found  work, married, and raised families. Later, both sets of grandparents watched with pride and trepidation as their sons marched off to war to fight for their adopted county, only to come back wounded and in my uncle’s case; broken.

My father-in-law would literally kiss the gound of the USA after European business trips.  As a Holocasut survivor he knew freedom wasn’t a theoretical concept. When I asked my grandmother to visit  me in Israel she declined, stating she would never leave the USA after making it out of Europe. Today they wouldn’t recognize their country.

We’ve become a nation of lies , perfidy, and corruption. The massacre in Benghazi gets covered up, our valiant soldiers die waiting for treatment, and  the IRS illegally targets conservative groups and organizations that are truly pro-Israel. Our government betrays historical allies and befriends enemies of freedom like the Muslim Brotherhood. Now we have a crisis on the border that has been set up by our own government

Read the government  job notice here. Gang members, predators, and children ill enough to start epidemics all over the country are invited to join us in this failing experiment of freedom.  As our founding fathers knew, freedom goes hand in hand with morals. Those morals come from our Judeo- Christian religions.  That’s right -Judaism not Islam.

Our government has joined the side of the savages. ( Thank you Pamela Geller) ISIS plays soccer with decapitated human heads, Hamas orders the population of Gaza to stay in their homes to be human shields, and our government pressures Israel to free hundreds of terrorists so they can murder again. According to our State Department it’s Israel that has to give in to the terrorists and assorted enemies in order to have peace in the region. Our president hosts an Iftar dinner for the members of the Muslim Brotherhood, which was illegal in Egypt for more than thirty years, while the missles fly into Israel day and night. Hamas, the terrorist wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, delivers the message that Arab blood is used for Jewish matzah and the blood libel is recycled. Our government closes it’s eyes and keeps sending our tax dollars to a bunch of crooks and murderers, whose only goal is to kill Jews and Christians.

The truth is apparent to anyone who can  breathe. If you don’t believe that, taste a piece a matzah. Read how Jews reacted to the murder of the Arab boy versus the reaction of the Arabs to the murders of Eyal, Naftali, and Gilad. Arafat, the terrorist, died with billions of dollars in his bank account. So will Abu Mazan and all the rest of the privliged murderers. Here in the USA, we watch our government  figuratively getting away with murder as  our tax dollars go to programs  and connected crooks who destroy the freedom we once had and annihilate the middle class. If we don’t get back to being a country of law and morals then we can look at the fires of the Middle East to see our future of mayhem and murder.

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