Cultural Suicide

I am old enough to remember a time when children played outside until called in for dinner and then after dinner, ran outside again, to catch lightening bugs in the dark. I’m old enough to remember walking back and forth to school four times a day because we went home for lunch, to  our mothers who made peanut butter and jelly or tuna fish sandwiches. Then after struggling with putting on our galoshes, we resignedly trekked back to school. I’m old enough to remember when every family had a Dad and you’d be sorry when he came home if you did anything wrong at home or at school. I’m old enough to remember every school day started with reading a Bible psalm and singing the Lord’s Prayer, as taught by our talented Black music teacher. As a little Jewish girl I  inherently understood that this was a Christian country.

Modern history text books, from which our children learn about the history and cultures of the world, have pages and pages about Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece and Rome. Judaism: a few paragraphs. Christianity: the same. My question is why? Why do we belittle and besmirch our own culture? Shockingly, the answer might be connected to Hitler:

“The Ten Commandments have lost their validity.  Conscience is a Jewish invention,  it is a blemish like circumcision.”

Although we have seen, heard, and read all the disgusting stories of the concentration camps, the roundups, the blatant theft re: Soros’s job, Hitler’s anti- Christian philosophy is left out. Apparently, he erased the moral compass of Judaism and Christianity to pursue the ends he desired.IMG_0432

Interestingly, my friends went down to see the Mayan ruins and were so impressed with how much pride the people take in their history.  Of course the tour guides disregarded, or perhaps neglected, the part about human sacrifice on purpose.  The same can be said of many ancient cultures that are studied and revered as somehow better than ours. Our modern education eliminates the fact that Nazi stands for National SOCIALIST, the father of Communism, an atheist prison that worships the State. Its history has already proven it believes in human sacrifice, starting with the French Revolution. More than 40,000,000 people were murdered in the name of the Communist State since Lenin The bloody French Revolution, which is notorious for the guillotine is the model Marx used to stir the masses. The United States is not perfect because man is not perfect, but as a Judeo- Christian nation we have alway strived to be better and in our short history never embraced mass murder. It is time that Americans reclaim their culture and produce works that hard working people take pride in, and our country can rally around.


Students aren’t being taught that the Puritans called this New World their New Jerusalem, and that Jews have been here since the 1600’s and have been contributing to American life and prosperity since then. The Judeo- Christian philosophy, the basis of our society, is based on the Ten Commandments. Isn’t it time that we recognize that, celebrate that,

Is this America?

Is this America?

and return to the days of American pride instead of committing cultural suicide.

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