The Truly Despicable


Image result for democrat senators 2018

I  have stopped following this Kavanaugh lynching because it is sickening. I’m also averse to gawking at car accidents and I close my eyes when  t.v. or movie scenes are too violent. The outright and unashamed last ditch effort to derail the confirmation of this man, is beyond fraudulent;it is despicable and undermines the fabric of our country. Just like many “normals,” (as Kurt Schlichter calls us) I must ask where all this “toxic masculine” hate comes from and I believe much comes from not having an intact nuclear family.

Although I am not one of the privileged, who  swim in our government cesspool or our indoctrination centers(universities), I do have the credentials- actually more- because I’ve  worked in many of our government circles of hell  as a teacher or counselor. Here’s the dirty secret no one talks about.  Good men are missing in many families. Many of these women probably grew up in divorced homes, their mothers talking trash about their dads. Then the  Lefties came up with the “Who needs men? Women can raise children by themselves.” I have news for those idiots.  Children need both parents: fathers and mothers each give their children different attributes. It is  good fathers that give girls confidence. It’s good responsible fathers that teach their sons to respect girls. Pussyhats, Handmaidens, and #Metoo are the result  of that  rotting communist strategy to destroy us.

Image result for feinstein

The Kavanaugh confirmation circus is just the latest ploy to discredit men. According to the feminist cabal,  children don’t need a father. In our preschools and kindergartens all over this country teachers walk thin ice when talking about families because many children don’t even know where their fathers live. Many have half sisters or brothers from another  “baby mama” that dad met on his way out. This doesn’t just destroy families but  it creates a society where impermanence and chaos is the norm. Many of our children have no motivation to learn, no prior knowledge, and no respect for authority. Our schools fight an uphill battle daily. The problem of Ms. Ballsey ( not an error)Ford’s last minute accusation of sexual abuse goes deep into our culture.  When children don’t have a  good,  responsible father, life becomes much harder- and when the first man in your life abandons you, then one learns men aren’t to be trusted and psychological damage is done.

Let’s get this straight.  All women aren’t angels and all men aren’t devils. For a more peaceful and cohesive society we need a nuclear family; preferably with both a father and mother. We now have had a couple of generations where sexual permissiveness is the norm, where little boys have no good role models in the home, and male behavior is considered toxic. I fervently hope that it isn’t too late to save our children, our society, and our country, but when we have senators who love China more than the United States, when we have senators that choose progressive policies over what’s good for the country, then I have very little hope for our future.

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