When one has emuna, Hebrew for faith in Ha Shem, one believes there are no coincidences. I started reading Mila 18 by Leon Uris right before the Parkland Massacre.
Mila 18 was an address in the Warsaw ghetto, where the Nazis legally imprisoned Jews because they were Jews. That ghetto became a warehouse to fill the death camps .Only too late the youth realized they needed to fight; to at least die as men and women and not animals, or ” subhumans” as the Nazi decreed. In the end they smuggled in arms and held the Nazis off for weeks. Many died, but some made it to Israel. Harvey Weinstein had a film about Mila 18 in production. Then all the allegations came out. Coincidence?
Category Archives: American Politics
Everyday Feminist Lies
Many millenials and as well as others, including some
journalists propagandists are not aware that in the 70’s the women’s rights movement was called Women’s Liberation. Since women were smart enough to know we didn’t need to be “liberated” from anything; it lost traction. Then lesbians and radicals took over the movement that had started with Betty Friedan’s blockbuster book,”The Feminine Mystique” Later, Gloria Steinham’s radical Ms. magazine was sold on news stands and media demanded women of intelligence and discernment call themselves feminists. My friend was annoyed when I refused. She was more upset when I gave my reason. I said I wasn’t ugly, I liked men and had lots of dates. She said I was disgusting. I said it was the truth and I still feel the same way.
Today I’m going to state another truth that that the virulant feminists aren’t aware of or just hiding from the millenia crowd. When these young women get old they won’t have to worry about male advances. Nobody will look at them. They will feel invisible and instead of finally being happy they’ll be crying. The true losers will be those women who spent too much time on their looks instead of developing how to be the best women they could be.
When I was a young woman my mother told me something very wise. She said that women can do everything men can do but, because of their biology they have to do it at a different time. The feminist movement denies that very fact. Sorry, “transgendered” that XX gene is the ignition for making babies during a certain time period of a female’s life. Then the eggs dry up. It becomes harder and harder to conceive. The problem is, most girls are not taught that. Of course many of them attempt to fool themselves by believing they don’t want children. That’s cool when one is still young. Of course when they’re collecting social security and no one comes to visit, call, or cares if they’re alive or dead,then they may wish they had a family.
Another thing girls aren’t taught is the way they conduct themselves is the way boys and later men will treat them. To a male,acting like a drunken or drug crazed whore means you’re going to be treated like one. Dressing like a hooker telegraphs that you’ll behave like a hooker. Sleeping around means you’re easy.The more sexual partners you have the more risk of STDs and even cervical cancer. But common sense, guidance, and information is verboten,instead females are supposed deny their own biology, have an abortion or perhaps just have a baby since “nobody gets married anymore because you don’t need a man to raise a child.” Another bald faced lie.
Speaking of abortions, one of my former students had been an obstetrician for 40 years in Argentina. In one of our conversations I asked him if he thought there was a connection between birth control pills and breast cancer. His answer astounded me because he said there was a proven causal link between abortions and breast cancer.I’m including to links. One explains the hormonal nature of the linkage here and the other is a an article written by Joel Brind, founder of the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute.
We are being sold the Brooklyn Bridge, when the Ministry of Propaganda
Senseless Hate =Tragedy
Charlottesville, Virginia was a sleepy little southern town until murder and mayhem not only woke up its citizens but the rest of the USA. Tragically, our country was treated to a show of violence and murder by “right wing” fascists as well as “left wing” fascists who declared the destruction of Southern monuments a viable tactic to destroy our country.Somehow, every news report forgot to mention the reason for the protest. All I heard for a couple of days was that the President didn’t say what the Fake Media,
DemoratsDemocrats,Steven Hayes, Karl Rove and other assorted NeverTrumpsters wanted him to say because…. The rest of us are sick of it and all the senseless hate that our media appears to relish. We are at a flash point in our history and it is time to find common ground before it is too late.
Most Jews, even if they eat bacon three times a day go to synagogue on Yom Kippur. Although many people recognize that as a fast day they may be ignorant of another one,the commemoration of the destruction of our holy Jerusalem Temple-twice.Senseless or baseless hate, in Hebrew,sinat chinam, caused their destruction. This is not my opinion, but the conclusion of ancient Talmudic rabbis. For those who have no idea what I’m talking about The Talmud is a compendium of stories and Jewish laws written in about 200 AD. That’s over 2000 years ago! Unfortunately, our “brilliant” elites in fields like archeology and anthropology buy the cultural Marxism propaganda of ” all cultures are equal,” so the Maya, who had a savage and blood thirsty culture is held up as amazing and all Native American tribes are “peaceful.” Funny, but our own Judeo-Christian values is verboten in schools.Perhaps, if boys and girls learned that our country was built on the Judeo- Christian ethos of kindness and forgiveness it would be easier to find common ground.
I heard the president state that we all love our country. He said that no matter our race or religion, we are all Americans. I agree, but I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut because I have lost too many jobs because of my opinions.I’m afraid that if we continue down this road we will face G-d’s wrath and suffer our own destruction.Our country is at a terrible turning point. It is time to find things we agree about,instead of creating controversy. We don’t have to agree on everything, but we should agree that the first amendment gives us the right to have an opinion. Does anyone agree with his/her spouse 100% of the time? Siblings or children? What happened to discussions and compromise? Our country isn’t perfect. People aren’t perfect, but the Judeo- Christian ethic is ” Do not do to others what you don’t want done to you. ” stated by Hillel or ” “Do unto others as you want others to do to you.” stated by Jesus. It was said for a reason – the tragedy of senseless hate.