I suppose I can be called a nerd because when I was a young girl I would read lying on my bed with a dictionary next to me.Years later I helped a friend, who was engaged to Alan “Ollie” Gelfand, get the skateboarding trick “ollie” in the dictionary and was successful.A few years ago I made sure to check the dictionary before I told one of my students to look up the meaning of gay after he got insulted by another student. He was smiling when he announced to me that it meant happy. Words have meanings.
Miriam- Webster defines expert as “one with experience or mastery of a special subject.” Suddenly doctors with twenty years experience of caring for patients using hydroxychloroqine are no longer experts. Instead, bureaucrats, like Dr. Fauci, who work in Washington DC, and haven’t seen patients for an untold number of years, are the only experts we can listen to. Twitter and Facebook’s anonymous employees, or worse, algorithms are the new experts and decide if a post is true, racist, or, G-d forbid, likes Trump. I, and many like me, take this very personally. Certainly Dr. Simone Gold of the courageous America’s Front Line Doctors sure did. How do I know? She hired LIn Wood the hero lawyer who sued the media for the slander and outright lies about Richard Jewell and Nicholas Sandmann.
The above photo is a peaceful protest.
These photos are of riots.
Many propaganda outfits are calling the riots in various cities like Seattle “peaceful protests.” As usual they willingly and knowingly changed the meaning of the words. According to the definitions a riot is “a violent disturbance.” Destroying people’s businesses, threatening lives and actual murder is not peaceful. According to the liberal Wikipedia there at least 29 people who have died during these ” mostly peaceful protests.” According to my non- expert but logical reasoning, calling the Black Lives Matter riots, which are mostly white, protests is an outright lie.
Disclosure: I was one of the Teaparty ( Taxed Enough Already) people who protested in Washington DC in 2009. I worked hard to persuade my husband to go by repeating that it was historical. It was, but not in the way I thought. Although It was a gathering of more than 1,000,000 people from every state in the USA, it was truly peaceful but shockingly didn’t even get five minutes of media coverage. That was when I knew the country was in big trouble. I’m old enough to remember when MLK made his speech in DC. There weren’t even 500,00 people there. How about the Million Man March? There was never 1,000,000 people there. It must be that the Teaparty group protesting during the Obama years were ” privileged.”
How about the Lefty definition of privilege? A white person supposedly has an advantage or immunity granted that others don’t have. I am of a minority group not covered by the new rules of society. I’m a Jew, but my melatonin is light so I look like any “privileged person.” The only privilege my “white”in-laws ever got was being allowed into the USA after the “privileged” American soldiers fought their way across Europe and found what was left of European Jewry. My white “privileged” husband has worked in back breaking physical labor for most of his life. His privilege must be that he can come home to an air conditioned house.
Americans are scared. We’re not only scared about a virus that apparently only an expert like Dr. Fauci knows how to contain, but we’re scared for the country and the direction it’s going. Our Dr Fauci is indeed an expert. He’s an expert bureaucrat and knows how to expertly make lots and lots of money. His medical expertise appears to be the same as his expertise at baseball.