The values and morals of our country are being turned upside down or thrown away like garbage. It reminds me of spring cleaning or getting rid of the chametz for Pesach. Not a crumb of bread is supposed to be left. It looks like the Jews are the new chametz. Our president, State Departemt, and media are competing with each other to see who can be the most vile and anti-Semitic by sympathizing with the terrorist group Hamas and tying the hands of the tiny Jewish country.
Celebrities are now judged good or bad depending on where they stand politically. We see how this effects the general culture because as everything becomes political, the entertainment culture nosedives. We used to be able to laugh at anything. There were Jewish jokes, Polish jokes, and yes, black jokes. There were jokes about wives, husbands, and children. Don Rickles made a good living poking fun at everyone. I don’t think he could do the same shtick today.
Look at what’s being done to Joan Rivers. Joan Rivers is a pioneer in standup comedy, author of a number of books, and nominated for many awards in her more than 50 years in the limelight. At her age most people just sit down and wait their turn to be called to judgment. Not this babe from Brooklyn. QVC, Fashion Police, and a reality show with much loved daughter Melissa are just some of what this classy comedienne does. So when she was interviewed on CNN about her new book and the talking head started berating her about fur. Ms. Rivers walked out and I cheered. Then, within a few days she was asked about the Israelis hurting the children of the Hamasniks. She stood up for Israel and made the young intereviewer look foolish.
What has happened to this country? Here is a woman who made it in a very special men’s club. (stand up comedy) and her longevity should be celebrated. Sarah Silverman is considered a comedianne because she has a potty mouth. She stands for abortions and the “Women of the Wall” disrupting the order of the Kotel, but Joan Rivers is considered mean because she makes jokes about what celebrities are wearing. Hillary’s considered the “smartest woman in the world,” but I guarantee she couldn’t write a joke if her life depended on it, and I still don’t know what she’s accomplished except getting an ambassador and embassy staff murdered. Come to think of it, since an American ambassador hadn’t been murdered in more than thirty years, coincidently in Muslim countries, then one might call that an accomplishment.
I’ll tell you what’s really mean; not giving a person her due. It’s the same for Israel. Israel is the only country in the Middle East where an uncovered Arab woman can be elected a representative of her people. Israel, a 66 year old country, has more start ups and medical technology than all the Arab countries in the Middle East combined. Israel is the only country in the Middle East where all children are entitled to an education. All its people can get medical attention and enemy VIPs send family there and it still gets lambasted. Israel is G-d’s miracle and instead of embracing the good and moral our country and its leaders are embracing the wicked. The morally handicapped, I’m afraid, are in for a big surprise. Just like Ms. Rivers, Israel isn’t going anywhere. It will do anything it takes to protect its citizens from the vermin crawling out of the tunnels built with American dollars. http: