Is It Too Late Again?

Years ago , in 1987 to be exact, I  made a huge mistake.  I believed my alcoholic former husband would have rachmunos , or what Christians call  mercy, in our divorce. I actually believed his declarations of undying love. Since I was the mother of his children and (fictionalized here). I naively thought he understood that his behavior was detrimental to our family and so I mistakenly conceded all for “peace.” Foolishly, I didn’t even ask for alimony. Unfortunately, I did not recognize that he had declared war until it was too late. That was my personal “Never again!” moment.I Hate Jews

When are American Jews going to have theirs?  The signs of mounting anti- Semitism, anti- Zionism, or just plain Jew hatred are everywhere. For instance, the PLO terror trial that granted more than 250  billion dollars ( more than 600 according to the Terrorism Law) to the families of  terror victims didn’t even break a 24 hour news cycle. This historical decision should have made newspaper headlines, breaking news, and every talking head announcement. Instead, there wasn’t even a blip. Perhaps it was because the PLO and PLA were found guilty of inciting and paying terrorists to murder and mutilate innocent Jewish civilians. Now Mahmoud Abbas and his henchmen can’t be called moderates The families of murdered loved ones were finally heard and documentation of “Palestinian” leaders showed incontrovertible evidence that they were accountable for jihadi mayhem. Unfortunately, for our Islamophilo administration and its media hacks that evidence belies the myth of a peaceful“ two state solution.”

In the case of the Arab Bank, which was sued for funding terrorism, our State Department sided with the Bank, against the survivors and families of the victims of terror! Once again, a historical case was propelled to page 15 or a minor headline on the internet. Due to the hard work and vision of Shurat Ha Din Law Center and the legal work of Motley Rice, this was the first time victims of terrorism successfully brought charges against a financial institute that knowingly supported terror. Although the Arab Bank is appealing, this landmark decision is a warning to other banks that if they fund terrorism that they will be held liable according to US Terrorism law.

How about all the “pro Israel” organizations that fund Israel’s demise? Not just JStreet and Peace Now, but the UJA which supports the New Israel Fund. The NIF is a far left organization who works for “progressive change in Israel.” Just like the progressives transformed America into a country that is no longer a republic, but on the cusp of being a totalitarian dictatorship, they want to transform the  tiny  Jewish nation into its death throe.  One of the tactics these faux pro-Israel organizations support is the toxic BDS movement. Unfortunately, many college students are faced with discovering that anti- Zionism is just a cover for Jew hatred. ( here).

We have Democrats who refused to attend the Netanyahu speech.  Muslim Brotherhood members and Islamo sycophants like John Brennen, Valerie  Jarrett, Huma Abedin, and Mohammed Eliabiary work in crucial  government agencies, and the “ paper of record” the New York Times has to make corrections about  its scandalous Israel reporting almost daily.  We’re cautioned by our “elites” that Islamophobia is  something  real and causes violence against the Muslim community.  The problem with this is that it’s a big lie. As of 2012, according to the FBI there were 5 times as many crimes against Jews than Muslims.  Our president, Barack Hussein Obama, ignores terrorism against Jews by declaring  it random and once again Jews go back to sleep. Why not?  Our esteemed government decided that there is  no anti- Semitism on California campuses and the ADL assisted their

We forget there was a time in this country when we weren’t welcome.  We forget that hotels and restaurants had signs that said no Jews or dogs allowed. We forget that our ancestors were told they could be Jewish but not too Jewish, and that Henry Ford was a huge anti- Semite. Unfortunately, we’re being reminded and too many Jews are still asleep. It’s time to wake up before it’s too late-no Jews again.








The Charlie Hebdo Hypocrisy

Dead_rabbiThe Charlie Hebdbo massacre by Islamic jihadists was horrific. So was the massacre at the kosher market that , and the murders of the rabbi and three children in Toulouse, France in 2012. How about the Fogel family who were all slaughtered in their beds, the three young men kidnapped and then executed, and the bloodbath of the five rabbis praying at synagogue in Har Nof? On that day the brutal savages  created five widows and 24 orphans. All of these terrible and nefarious murders were perpetrated by people with one thing in common. They were Muslim jihadists.

An editor of a popular Jewish newspaper writes that there hasn’t been this much Jewish emigration from France since World War II. Jews in France are scared and why shouldn’t they be? France has the dishonor of having many Nazi collaborators during WWII and  shipping many Jews  to concentration camps. After this latest evil scenario, with dead bodies scattered around  Paris and the discovery that a Jewish school was an earlier target, authorities closed the Great Synagogue  but left the Mosque open. That may sound cautious and caring, but the Jews had to form minyans (prayer groups) hiding In fear, while the Muslims weren’t inconvenienced at all.

Mahmoud Abbas, the right hand man of terrorist leader, Yasser Arafat, marched in a prominent place arm in arm with leaders of the free world. This is the same Mahmoud Abbas, who enjoins his people to kill Jews. How insane is our world? This is the same man who gives out candy when Jewish babies are killed and celebrates the “martyrs” who murder Jews; however, it was Netanyahiu who they didn”t want

Cartoonists were murdered because they drew pictures of Mohammed and the world suddenly noticed. Immediately there was a hashtag #JesuisCharlieHebdo and millions of people converged on Paris to show solidarity for free speech and against terrorism. Leaders from all across the world smugly joined together arm-in -arm , but nothing will change. Just like Europe collaborated with the Nazis, it Is doing the same with Islam.  At least Obama isn’t a hypocrite.  He showed the world exactly where he stands and validates what he wrote in his  book when he told a Muslim immigrant group, “I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” – See more at: .  It’s time to look at the world the wy it is, not the way we want it to be. je-suis-juif-e1420980995698


Be Afraid: Be Very Afraid

On Friday August 8th  Florida governor Rick Scott met with the Executive Board of the Jewish Republican Club of Broward County, a small group of Jewish leaders and respected rabbis. During the meeting a number of attendees  expressed security concerns, the governor unfortunately showed no concerns at all. On August 9th Rabbi Raskin, may G-d avenge his blood, was murdered on his way to synagogue. The irony is blatantly obvious. Be afraid: be very afraid. Continue reading

Joan Rivers: A Jew for Israel

illustration-of-rafah-tunnelsThe values and morals of our country are being turned upside down or thrown away  like garbage.  It reminds me of spring cleaning  or  getting rid of the chametz  for Pesach. Not a crumb of bread is supposed to be left.  It looks like the Jews are the new chametz. Our president, State Departemt, and media  are  competing with each other to see who can be the most vile and anti-Semitic by sympathizing with the terrorist group Hamas and tying the hands of  the tiny Jewish country. Continue reading