No More USA

The corona virus finally put the last nail in the coffin of the corpse of the USA. How do I know? I live in a beach community, with at least four parks  within my neighborhood and they are all closed; locked tight with many having police guarding the open air fortresses.  I was elated  when Governor DeSantis announced that beaches could be open. Media published  photos of  happy people, walking and playing on Jacksonville beach. I foolishly thought we’d be next. As of today,the third day after the announcement, we are still locked out of the parks and beaches that  are paid for by our property taxes.

My adult son commented, ” Since when does the government care about grandmas and grandpas?”  I’ll add to that. Since when do many of us care about a grandma or grandpa who has become fragile with age?  I know because my 92 year old mother tells me about friends whose children haven’t visited for five years, and  people stuck in assisted living because their adult children couldn’t be bothered with them. I’m not talking about hospice, alzheimer’s, and other terrible diseases that need professionals round the clock. I’m talking about  normal aging. Besides, I work in the public schools.  Children come to school with green mucus dripping from their noses. They cough all over their desks, books , and sometimes us. There’s been times when a student throws up on the floor, or has a fever. When parents are called to pick sick children up, often they’d rather argue  and give ridiculous reasons not to. Suddenly we’re terrified of getting sick?

I,for one, am very disappointed and angry at people who report friends and neighbors who choose not to wear a mask n the street. Has the media scared them so much that they would rather be labeled a “rat” than stay friends with their next door neighbor?  My family and I took a drive through the former business section of our town. Usually at that time of day it’s bustling.  It’s all small businesses, restaurants, bars, and specialty stores.  It was dead. Seeing this desecration was terrible. Snake Plissken would have felt at home hiding behind one of those doors.The Nazis used these tactics and the communists still use them today. Maybe they haven’t even watched enough Mafia movies to know in America” rats” get shived in jail.

My husband reminded me at I  became physically ill years ago when it was announced that Bill Clinton sold nuclear  secrets to  China.  It was at that moment I knew our president was a traitor and I “took to my bed.” It should be shocking that  Mr. Murphy, the  governor of New Jersey, didn’t think about the Bill of Rights when he gave a “stay at home” order. But, it’s not;  most  people don’t  know  that governors swear  to  uphold the Constitution. They never learned it in our public schools.  The smug arrogance of Pelosi and Co. calling the constitutionally  permitted protests dangerous, the closings  and arrests at churches, and the mandatory shuttered  businesses tell me that the 243 year old experiment in freedom is now over. There is no more USA .The one question I have is, will they allow my husband and I take our cat and three birds to the reeducation camp?

paintings by Leviticus
