Purple Penguins From Red Rubbish

its-differentJewish children are taught that the first job G-d gave Adam was to name all the animals. From that story we glean that words are important. And that they have meaning. We are taught that at the time of the moshiach (messiah) the lion will lie down with the lamb. If media started crowing nonstop that lambs and lions are cuddling togerher in a pen at the DC zoo, one would have to call them liars. Reality would refute that. Peace hasn’t found a home in this world and it would be sheer foolishness or even dangerous to believe their nonsense.So why do we accept the language the Red Rubbish( formerly known as Progressives) chooses to win their political battles?

In the book the The Rebbe by Joseph Telushkin, the biographer cites certain virtues and behaviors the Rebbe espoused as crucial. One of them was the importance of using words correctly and positively. According to the author, Rabbi Schneerson even suggested that Israeli hospitals change their name from bet cholim, House of the Sick to a more positive name; House of Healing (bet Refuachim) which described its purpose better and would give people more hope.

The people of the United States have been confronted with a lexicon promoted by the Left and its minions that redefine words so that they no longer have meaning. Now bastardizing a language isn’t enough, they want to rewire children for a political agenda that will, at best, confuse them and at worst harm them. The handout teachers got in Omaha promoted using “non-sexist” language like calling boys and girls purple penguins and allowing each student to choose the pronoun he or she prefers in addressing oneself. Got that?

I have worked with children as a teacher or counselor for more than 35 years. In that time I have met NO children confused about their identity. The handout comes from GenderSpectrum,which can be found
here Note the name. Gender does not exist on a spectrum, just like marriage isn’t between a couple of the same sex. That doesn’t mean they can’t live together or have a civil union. Historically, marriage is a bond between a man and a woman in order to procreate and raise a family.

According to the thesurus, diversity means variance or dissmilarity. Instead of respecting the differnces among us, whether it’s cultures or individuals; our government, Lefty NGOs and assorted political groups demand that we pretend we’re all the same, when just looking at the differnces in members of any family refutes that ridiculous notion.

The word apartheid comes from the Afrikanner language of South Africa. It was a rigorous system of separating the races. Israel is called an ” apartheid” nation when it is as inclusive as the USA or more so. There are Muslim Arabs, Christians, Druze, and all shades of complexions in the IDF, government, and in every neighborhood. Signs and paperwork are printed in Hebrew and Arabic. Zionism is not racism, but an answer to the almost universal anti- Semitism of Europe and the Islamic world.

We are told by our president, Barack Hussein Obama, that the Islamic State of the Levant or ISIL is not Islamic. Well, if it’s in the title of that dangerous and murderous organization then that’s what it is. And when we’re told to believe that beheading “infidels”, slaughtering Christians, and taking young Christian girls as sex slaves is not the real “religion of peace” maybe those female sex slaves were really purple penguins as defined by the Red Rubbish. “Khrushchev USA 1959

Be Afraid: Be Very Afraid

On Friday August 8th  Florida governor Rick Scott met with the Executive Board of the Jewish Republican Club of Broward County, a small group of Jewish leaders and respected rabbis. During the meeting a number of attendees  expressed security concerns, the governor unfortunately showed no concerns at all. On August 9th Rabbi Raskin, may G-d avenge his blood, was murdered on his way to synagogue. The irony is blatantly obvious. Be afraid: be very afraid. Continue reading

Getting Away With Murder

Pamela Geller's brilliant ad for AFDI

Pamela Geller’s brilliant ad for AFDI

When I was a teenager I had a ” frenemy.” Her father cashed a small check from a part time job I had, and  since he gave me a little too much change I returned the overage. Boy, was my “frenemy” angry.  She screamed at me that I was “too moral.” I never forgot that or undersood how someone could say that until recently , as I see individuals and governments getting away with murder both literally and figuratively. Continue reading

The Three Blind Mice or Three Halal Pigs?

Hillary Benghazi The other day I was at a meeting of other like minded people and we were talking about the state of our country. I brought up Hillary’s fashion choice at the not so grand inquisition of the Benghazi massacre. Since not one pundit appeared to notice that she blatantly demonstrated her alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood by wearing their colors; green and black I thought I was being paranoid or imagining she was sending a symbolic message. One of the other women who had lived in both Somalia and Syria with her State Department husband seconded my opinion and said I was absolutely right. The question then is, has Hillary converted to Islam or was she just telegraphing a positive message to our Muslim enemies. Although “What difference, at this time, does it make?”

Then we have John Brennan who has been implicated by a former FBI agent that he converted to Islam when he was posted to Saudi Arabia. Of course the Government Propaganda Ministry, formerly known as the media. denigrate John Guadolo, the FBI agent disseminating this information. Brennan. like Hillary, also gave a blatant message that doesn’t prove he’s a Muslim, but does prove to whom he has aligned himself. He called Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Israel Al Quds, which is the name Arabs renamed it. Now, some people say it doesn’t matter because we are guaranteed freedom of religion in this country, but as a public servant he swears allegiance to our constitution. As a Muslim he swears allegiance to Allah. Although.as Hillary would say.” What difference, at this time, does it make?”

Then of course we have Chuck, I never met a Jew I Liked, Hagel who is being considered for the head of the Department of Defense to replace the communist Leon Panetta. He’s hitting a roadblock because he won’t disclose his foreign sources of funding after being demanded to do so. Carl Levin is making this sound like this is over the line, although Harry Reid made the same demand of Henry Kissenger years ago. Now I don’t know about you, but I have no sources of foreign funding, I wonder just what service Senator Hagel is providing and to whom. This is Commonsense 101 but of course, “What difference, at this time, does it make?”
