5775: The Year of the New Jew

Wednesday evening Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish New Year, begins. Unlike January 1 the secular New Year, it’s not celebrated with raucus parties and televising a young drunken crowd in Times Square, herded into animal-like stalls, waiting for the ball to drop for the nascent year. Judaism marks the years more solemnly. Since, according to the Jewish calendar our New Year will be 5775, we have been doing this for a while so perhaps we should pay attention and declare this the year of the new Jew.

Jewish children are taught that on Rosh Ha Shanah Ha Shem ( G-d) opens the Book of Life and decrees what will happen to each individual. At this time, and until Yom Kippur, we have a chance to make amends and start anew to behave in a better way, so that our Judge and Creator will have mercy. Observing our political scene and the many Jewish organizations who don’t firmly stand for Jews,Israel, or the American ideals I believe we are in dire need to make changes.

It is time for Jews to stand up for themselves. We have to stop acting ashamed,embarrassed, and afraid. We have done nothing wrong, unless of course, civilizing the world is wrong. Jews don’t cut off people’s heads, murder their wives and daughters,or make slaves of anyone who doesn’t believe the way they do. The Jewish land of Israel is an oasis of freedom in a desert of Islamic totalitarianism. So why do we cower and compromise with those who want us gone? Why do we negotiate and give credence to organizations that want us to disappear from the face of the earth?

Our president praised the contributions of Muslims in America to an Egyptian audience
“The contribution of Muslims to the United States are too long to catalog, because Muslims are so interwoven into the fabric of our communities and our country.”
Read more at http://joeforamerica.com/2014/07/obama-please-list-muslim-contributions-america/” I still have’t seen the list. President Jefferson knew that in order to trade and transport freely on the seas we’d need a special navy force called the “marines” to fight tne Muslim barbarians that captured Americans as hostages and slaves. Is that the contribution he spoke about?

Jews. on the other hand, have contributed from the very beginning of this country. Without the banker Haim Solomon there wouldn’t have been an American Revolution. Many southern cities like Charleston, South Carolina were enriched and settled by Jews. The next time some smart aleck proposes more boycott derangement syndrome action against Israel we should suggest he throw away his jeans since they were invented by Levi Strauss, another American Jew. And how about Hollywood? Instead of cringing and denying when some racist screeches “the Jews own Hollywood” we should proudly declare they invented Hollywood, the fashion industry, polio shots, and the NAACP.

Meir Kahane, who was murdered by a Muslim terrorist, was right. Jews have to protect themselves, but at the same time we must be proud of who we are. We are a people who bring innovation and creativity to the world. Robin Williams was asked by a German reporter why there were so few German comedians. His answer? ” You killed them all.” If we want a different future, then 5775 must be the year of the new Jew.The Neverending War by Leviticus

Painting: The Endless War by Leviticus


As the news becomes more and rmore appalling, many people find comfort in their religions’ Scriptures. For Jews it’s Torah. During this time before Rosh Ha Shana, Deverim, or Deuteronomy is read in synagogues all over the world. It retells Moses’ farewell to the Hebrews admonishing them to remember.         Throughout Devarim, Moses warns the people – no less than fourteen times – not to forget.

If they forget the past they will lose their identity and
sense of direction and disaster will follow. Moreover, not only are the people commanded to remember, they are also commanded to hand that memory on to their children.

Think about that. Why would Moses have to tell his people to remember? Isn’t memory natural? Maybe, for human beings, it’s too easy to forget. Maybe, we want to forget disastrous actions or choices. Maybe, he wanted to remind the Hebrews that we will keep making the same kind of mistakes if we don’t remember what happened before.

I listen to radio pundits and read many different websites and  everyone appears to be missing some salient facts that we should remember. One of those is that our president Barack Hussein Obama had a Muslim biological father and spent his formative years in a Muslim country with a Muslim stepfather. These are facts that are written in his autobiography. We know that at one time his name was Barry Soetoro. We don’t know when he changed it. We know that he thinks that the Muslim call to prayer is “one of the prettiest sounds he ever heard.” and that during his first inaugeration speech he said that this is “a nation of Christians and Musliims, Jewish  and Hindus and non- believers.” I remember hearing that and almost fell off my chair because this was after 9/11, the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, Yemin, Rwanda, the massacre of our marines in Lebanon, and on and on.Even conservative pundits are on the band wagon singing that our president’s bored or incompetant.

Every excuse is made except the FACTS. The facts are these, just as Judaism is transmitted through the mother, Islam is transmitted through the father. There is no personal choice. If a person chooses to leave the religion of one’s father he is an apostate and sentenced to die, just like Miriam Ibrahim. These are facts we must remember when our president makes decisions that appear to be against the welfare of the United States. Just as Moses admonished his people we must remember or disaster will follow.

Are you A Jew or Just Jew-ish?

http://      Are you a Jew or are you just Jew-ish? The debate about Judaism being a race, religion, or ethnic group has been going on for years. I certainly am not a geneticist, so this will have nothing to do with genes and specific scientific facts, but through careful observation I have come to the conclusion that  members  of  the tribe are either Jews or Jew-ish.   I’ve learned that my Christian husband is more  of a Jew than many Jews I’ve known.  He’s gone to synagogue, sat at seder, and stands respectfully as I light Sabbath candles., and prays for Israel. He may not be a Jew , but he is Jew-ish. Continue reading

Wonder of Wonder


Yesterday was the birthday of modern Israel and, just as I usually  do, I missed the day, so this is a belated ode. The reestablishment of the Jewish state of Israel,  with its eternal capital city  as Jerusalem, is no less than a “wonder of wonder miracle of miracles.” Twice the Jews were dragged away in chains from the country Ha Shem gave to them. It looked like the country of Israel disappeared into the dustbin of history. There was no hope that there would ever be a viable country again.

The first time the Jewish captives were brought to Babylonia in chains.  This is where we get the Bibical psalm  137 ” If I forget thee O Jerusalem”.  The second time they were vanquished by Rome and the  golden menorah, symbol of the Jewish people, can still be seen carved into the triumphant arch of Rome. That time seemed to be the truly victorious one Jews had no home for centuries and were dispersed all over the world.Although some Jews, or Palestinians, as they were called still lived there in their ancient home, without their creative energy of their brothers it became according to Mark Twain:

“….. A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds… a silent mournful expanse…. a desolation…. we never saw a human being on the whole route…. hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”

In the late 1800’s Theodore Herzl started lobbying for a Jewish national home. The anti -semitism was very bad all over Europe and he believed it would never cease.  He was able to convince enough Jews the essential need for their own homeland and Zionism was born. Theodore Herzl was proven right.  The anti-semitism of Europe climaxed with the Holocaust and still the Brits and Americans refused entry to Jewish refugees escaping the fires of Europe.

The broken  and pitiful Jews managed to drain swamps, fight enemies, and build an army. In 1948 the world finally recognized Israel, a democratic Jewish country. Since then Israel has brought outstanding technological  and medical innovations to the world. Israelis have made humanitarian forays into countries to help in all kinds of disasters. They have welcomed people of all colors and religions into their country and provided healthcare and education for all. All of this  while enemies sabotage, plot, and murder Jews. IEDs continuously target Jewish children in southern Israel cities. Sderot has had 100 alone since the beginning of 2014. This tiny Jewish state is surrounded by enemies.  Now its dealing with allies that appear to becoming enemies.  All of this tsuris (trouble) and it not only survives but thrives. If that isn’t a”miracle of miracles” what is?

Kotel at sunrise