Jerusalem, Israel 5775

Old_Jerusalem_Dung_Gate_2Monday, November 3, 2014( the Jewish year 5775) the Supreme Court of the United States heard arguments about whether Israel should be stamped on passports for American citizens born in Jerusalem. According to the Jerusalem Post the breakdown  is probably, as usual, four justices voting against,  with the tie  broken by Kennedy. Three of those four are Jews or as I stated in a former post here just Jew-ish. They are of the same communist lite thinking that goes against all the beliefs of Judaism. Apparently, in their much vaunted status and hyper intelligence, they have forgotten or disregarded Kerensky, Trotsky, and many other high ranking Jews  murdered in order to promulagate Communism and the rise of its dictators. If these Jewish anti- Semites win, there is no other word to describe their decision except the Yiddish word shanda,or shame, on them.

Our media propaganda machine: constantly vomits out Palestinian lies and distortions while our State Department swallows its swill Many people are unaware that Foggy Bottom has a long history of siding with Arabs. We should be thankful our Congress takes the moral high ground by siding with Israel. To be clear: The Muslims have no  viable historical claim to Jerusalem.  It is, and always will be the eternal capital of Israel, as claimed by King David around 1000 BCE. Jeff Dunetz writer of The Lid here cites a paper by Rifka Fishman-Duka ennumerating  Greek and Roman sources from the third century BCE-third century CE mentioning Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish country, Israel. Although it was lost to conquering armies, it was miraculously regained twice. including the 1967 War started by five Arab countries.

Our Congress signed a 2002 US law requiring that “Jerusalem, Israel” be placed on  passports.  The executive branch enforces laws. The State part of the executive Branch. The bureaucrats decided not to follow the law.

This snafu started with President George W. Bush, who signed the law, but said it interfered with his responsibility to direct foreign affairs. It is clear that our current president believes the same, based on the arguments of Mr. Varelli who is representing the executive branch. He had the audacity to compare  Jerusalem being the capital of Israel to recognizing Crimea as legally part  of Russia. I hope the justices know that the Russians rolled  tanks into Crimea and stole it like an armed thief. while international law recognizes the Jewsih national home as stated in the Balfour Declation in San Remo in 1921.

Justice Antonin Scalia said the court’s concern was with law,  “If it is within Congress’s power, what difference does it make whether it antagonizes foreign countries?” “The fact,” he added, “that the State Department doesn’t like  that it makes the Palestinians angry is irrelevant.”

As a US citzen, it seems to me,

A model of the ancient Jerusalem

A model of the ancient Jerusalem .

that Justice Scalia only has one thing wrong.  It should have said faux Palestinians. As a Jew I hope and pray our government does what’s right. Jerusalem is written in our prayer books more than 700 times. It is never mentioned in the Koran. Every Passover Jews pray” Next year in Jerusalem.” Maybe next year our government will have the integrity and strength to admit Jerusalem is in Israel. Jerusalem, Israel 5775.





Israel Dwells Alone

Three month old Chaya Zissel Braun May G-d avenge her blood

Three month old Chaya Zissel Braun
May G-d avenge her blood

When Itzhak Rabin was Israel’s ambassador to the USA  in 1972,  he had a meeting with the Lubavitcher Rabbi. According to Yehuda Avner, who was  there, he was surprised when the Rebbe askd him if he felt alone as the representative of the Jewish nation in Washington DC. The Rebbe, however, was not surprised at his afffirmative answer. According to Torah, and demonstrated  peristently throughout history, Jews are a people who “dwell alone.”

This past week we have seen the gross negligence of our government to chastise and discipline the PLO, its assassins, and most importantly, Mr. Abbas  instigating the murder of Jews. According to the Palestinian Media Watch, he called for the murder of Jews 19 times  on the PA television station before the coldblooded shooting of Rabbi Glick on the Temple Mount. Only days before that, adorable three month old Chaya Zissel Braun was murdered during a Muslim terrorist attack on the Jerusalem light rail which also injured  seven people.  Not only did the faux Palistinians  celebrate her murder, but  Abbas’ advisor wrote:  “Murderer of baby is “heroic Martyr” – PMW Bulletins

It is time for Jews in this country to open their eyes and see, no matter how traumatic the truth of this government. It’s loyalty is to the Muslim Brotherhood. A US government official calls Prime Minister Natanyahu terrible names, including coward,  while Muslim leaders inciting terrorism are given more and more tax payer money. arms, and respect. Baby Chaya was a murdered American citizen.  Rabbi Glick, who was shot three times, on the Temple Mount is still an American citizen.Our president said nothing.  US money flows to anti- Zionist NGOs and foundations like the Brookings Institute and Left leaning Jews ignore  the  beheadings, slavery, and abuse that is happening right in front of their eyes.

Jews thought the Enlightment  would usher in the end of antii Semitism. Unfortunately they’ve been proven wrong. Herzl thought having our own Jewish  country would end anti-Semitism. It looks like he was wrong. Today anti- Semitism  is reaching the height it was  in the 30’s, which doesn’t bode well. Our government doesn’t care about a heroic military man, Sgt Tahmoorisi, imprisoned  senselessly and inhumanely in a Mexican prison  It doesn’t care about it’s wounded military, and it doesn’t care about infecting its population with a pandemic virus. Why would it care about a Jewish country that is in the way of its Caliphate? Jews are a people who “dwell alone” because we are a people who cherish life.  Our government has abandoned the sanctity of life to perpetuate a culture and religion that sanctifies death.

The Grand Mufti and Hitleer

The Grand Mufti and Hitleer


An Inconvenient Truth About Lone Wolves

Listening to the media, including Fox, one has to wonder why a salient characteristic of recent “lone wolves” is missing.The fact that these terrorists were Muslim converts is mysteriously absent. That ‘inconvenient truth’ is not only important for our security, but for successful counterterrorism measures. Instead,”mental problems” appears to be the chosen narrative to feed the proletariat. But times have changed. Even the ostriches among us are realizing the problem is Islamic terrorism.

Once we admit that many of these murderers are Muslim converts we have to ask why and how. A study done at Kings College, London, in 2011 illustrated that 55% of Muslim terrorists in the USA were converts. How  interesting! People who convert to Christianity, Judaism, or Buddhism don’t murder co-workers or massacre soldiers while shouting,  “Shma,” “Jesus is my savior” or “Ohm” The only cry while chopping off an infidel’s head is “Allahu Akbar.” What is it about that specific conversion that sends them on a violent jihad?

Maybe the answer lies in where they get converted- prison. Although I’m describing in broad strokes, it isn’t a stretch to say most inmates are angry and envious. Since I was a counselor for a short time in a county jail, I can say inmates regularly blame others for their actions. Blaming others, anger, and envy are emotions that Islamic ideology fuels and affirms. As a matter of fact, religious extremism is reported by the chaplains as especially common among Muslim inmates (including followers of the Nation of Islam and the Moorish Science Temple of America) according to a 2011 Pew Research Forum.

Daniel Pipes wrote about the problem of Muslim converting here.  He states, ” Conversion to Islam substantially increases the probablity of a person’s involvement  in terrorism.” That was written in 2005.  It hasn’t gotten better and in some ways worse.  These terrorists are dubbed ” lone wolves” as if they had no connection with their motivation which is to kill the “infidel.” Actual ” lone wolves” who are driven from the pack are still wolves. These human killers are still Muslim,

What about the imams who are part of the jail outreach? Muslim chaplains have the right to hold prayer groups in prison, but what if they themselves are being funded by terrorist groups?  Is emphasise being put on jihad?

People who want to convert to Judaism are told that it has to be done with an Orthodox rabbi.  In addition, certain rituals have to be performed for it to be a true conversion. Perhaps the Muslim convert needs to show how Muslim he really is before he ( or she) is accepted into the fold. Maybe he’s anxious to meet those 72 virgins. Or maybe the hate and anger that other religions try to purge is given a special seat at the dais and the convert is given permission to act on his darker impulses. The motive is not as important as monitoring our prisons and the people coming out of them.

" Lone Wolf" John Allen Mohammed killed at least 10 people

” Lone Wolf” John Allen Mohammed killed at least 10 people

Talk Is Cheap

Michael Ramirex Obama adminYears ago when my daughter started dating I told her to watch what people actually do, not what they say. Talk is cheap, but behavior is how we judge character. My former husband would tell me he loved me every day, but when I told him he would lose his family if he didn’t put the vodka bottle down he couldn’t manage to do it. Taking responsibility for the welfare of my children, I decided financial and emotional obstacles were worth the cost. I have never regretted that decision.

Our president and his minions in the government have demonstrated their lack of character time and again. As citizens we live under the government’s ageis. That’s their job. Our job is to monitor them and keep them in line. We have learned our president and his officials are either incapable, as some pundits claim, or unwilling to do what’s right for their citizens. Now, besides all the government sleight of hand with the IRS, Benghazi,Seal Team 6, Fast and Furious, not to mention the president’s mysterious background, we are faced with ebola and the entero virus, which has already killed seven children.

Last week our commander-in-chief deployed 4,000 soldiers of the 101 airborne division to “fight”ebola. That was after firing almost 200 generals and other high ranking military personnel who didn’t agree with the Party line. Where are the protests, screams, and general civil disobedience of the parents of our volunteer soldiers? If my child were being sent to West Africa now, I would tell him or her to disobey orders. Jail and/or a dishonorable discharge is certainly better than being sent to the center of a fatal epidemic without proper training and safety precautions.

Where is the outcry? Where are our men? What is it going to take to get our country back? Our president has demonstrated his lack of character over and over again Eric Holder thinks that because he stepped down he is no longer responsible for the crimes he committed. Lois Lerner thinks she’s okay because she was ” following orders.” Hillary Clinton, responsible for Benghazi, Whitewater, and a love of the Muslim Brotherhood, has the chutzpah to run for office again.Our country has been stolen from us by a bunch of America hating thugs and it looks like the only thing we can do is cry.

Henry David Thoreau, who used to be mandatory reading for American students, stated “That government is best which governs least.” I wonder what he would say about a government that disdains its own people, but cherishes the idea of cheap labor at the cost of human lives. According to George Orwell,”Political language… is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” Obama has been a master of political speech and was elevated to the position of president based on that. He has damaged our credibility and standing all around the world.

Now is the time for civil disobedience. More than 1,000,000 people got on trains, buses and planes in 2009 to show our contempt for the government’s fiscal and social plans. Although it was truly grassroots, and drew more people than the ‘Million Man March,” it was ignored. The March for Life gets very little attention every year, but a dozen people show up for a pro abortion rally and the media makes it look like a rock concert. Germany was consdered the height of culture when the government slaughtered millions.FDR called Stalin “Uncle Joe” while he killed millions or sent them to the gulag. It can’t happen here because this is a country based on morals and character. Or can it?