Racism as Poison

One has to wonder why the toxic allegations of racism have suddenly appeared as a daily dose of disparagement to individuals and our country. This is especially true when slavery and hate is a pillar of society in many Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, while in the United States slavery was outlawed in 1865 and included three amendments to codify the new societal structure.

Oprah Winfrey, one of the richest and most powerful women people in the United States, or as our dear leader prefers to call them, one of the 1%, had the gall to badmouth the people of America who had made her a household name. Plugging her movie, she stated to the BBC reporter that Americans, “are not happy with the president partly because of his race.” Let’s get it straight once and for all.

If Americans were so racist our dear leader wouldn’t have been elected twice and made the fat black lesbian a billionaire. This bogus argument is used to disguise the real hate of Leftist blacks and their white useful idiots. These moronic elitist probably never heard what happens to them when they’re not needed anymore. All logic and history is being tossed out to fit a narrative that the radical left party, masquerading as Democrats, want in order to transform this country into something unrecognizable.

In their crazy Alice in Wonderland reality,all whites today are responsible for slavery perpetrated almost two hundred years ago. I have a very laconic question. Did you notice how few Jewish survivors of the Nazi holocaust and Gulag hellholes preach hate? And, by the way, that horror happened to people who are STILL ALIVE today or family members who recount the horrors of parents or grandparents. Since this is a country of immigrants, I can assure these victim pimps that I not only was not alive but my forbears were living in Poland and Hungary and had to deal with institutionalized antisemitism and pray that during the savage pogroms loved ones wouldn’t be killed or raped. Many of our students are not taught that there has been institutionalized discrimination against Irish, Italians, and Jews. There were signs hung outside buildings and places of commerce that ” Jews and dogs not allowed.” Universities, like Emory, that are full of Jewish students today, did not allow Jews to apply. Instead of kvetching, Jews built their own hotels, businesses, and parents urged children to do well so that universities COULDN’T deny them entrance. Freedom Riders to free the south of segregation? Many white people heard the call and even died to protect black rights.

I, for one, have taught in urban schools. Not only are grades inflated but there is total disrespect for white teachers. Teaching 6th grade in 1989 I was told by my class how much they hated “Whitey.” and therefore didn’t have to listen. I went to the board and had them help me make a list of the mean, racist whites in their lives. They couldn’t come up with anyone. You should have seen their shock. It’s time we stand our ground and call out the true racists, otherwise the poison will destroy us.

Discipline is Now Discrimination

The original Black Panthers

The original Black Panthers

Here’s one for you. What do Broward School Superintendent Robert Runcie, Trayvon Martin, NAACP, and President Obama have in common? Strangely,all of them are connected to the new Broward County Discipline Policy. This disturbing new policy has been sold as the panacea for the high number of black males arrested and sent to juvenile detention centers. This new statist policy is promoted by the NAACP (see link) and quoted below. This ludicrous experiment of course, got very little attention from the media or questioned by the Broward County Board of Education. Here is the link to the NAACP http://www.naacp.org/pages/trayvons-law-summary

“In addition, state advocates can include policies that aim to dismantle the school to prison pipeline – which are critical to keeping youth safe and in schools.” Every time I read that I could swear that it grammatically states that “the school to prison pipeline” is critical for school safety but I digress.

There’s also an interesting Iranian connection here. According to NAACP Criminal Justice Director, Niaz Kasravi, this type of racial disparity causes issues outside of school. Perhaps the Iranian Dr Kasravi and special White House advisor Valerie Jarrett are acquainted? “This is the same problem of racial profiling that we see happening with the stop-and-frisk abuses, the same problem that led to the death of Trayvon Martin,” Kasravi said. “It is time that we break this vicious cycle, and we focus on investing in our student’s education, versus investing in incarcerating them.” Perhaps, Niaz Kasravi PHD, if Trayvon was arrested for the stolen jewelry and drugs he’d be alive today.
Click here for full the description of Trayvon’s Law.

The reality is that NY Police Commissioner Ray Kelly has a better concept of what works and what doesn’t than Ms. Niaz Kasravi who has a PHD in criminal justice and never worked the streets. In addition, it was NEVER the school who pressed charges but Broward Resource Officers placed in the schools for security.

Although “The stark reality is that violence is happening disproportionately in minority communities,” Kelly went on to say, suggesting that police are saving more minority lives, not just targeting them for stops. He continued by stating that the murder rate has gone down 50% since the program was instituted.

Now to our Harvard educated superintendent who never taught, but worked under Arne Duncan as technology consultant and Chief of Staff. He was voted in as superintendent by a well paid Board of Education that must never have heard about Chicago corruption. Instead, they probably thought it would be great to have someone tied to our Chicago political machine president. I suppose all those nefarious connections will make Broward County, which has the dubious honor of winning an award explaining Common Core, a pioneer in public education, but as my husband says,”Public education is child abuse.” Quoting Carl of the Blog Spot I have to add,”What could go wrong?”

blog spot

Liar Liar Pants on Fire

245px-Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-S72707,_Heinrich_HimmlerWe are living in a society where truth and justice are no longer the hallmarks of America. It’s more like lies and corruption.

Those advocating for the United States to become more like other countries can declare victory. When our president has the audacity to lie to his country AND THE PRESS QUIBBLES WHETHER ITS A LIE OR NOT we’re in big trouble.The mendacity and collusion of the press cannot be underestimated.

This administration could not have transformed this country into something unrecognizable without a compliant media.

My husband calls the mainstream media “the epoxy” I’m a Jewish girl so I, of course, know nothing about what he’s talking about. He patiently explained to me that epoxy works because of the chemistry of the resin and the hardener. The way he sees it, Obama and his minions (the resin) tell the media (the hardener) whatever they want in order to get public support for whatever they need. Just like the hardener works together with the resin to form a bond so do the media and the administration. The administration couldn’t get away with all the scandals, lies, and corruption without the media backing them up.
I listened to Jackie Mason’s excellent riff about our Liar in Chief president. Comedy isn’t funny unless it’s based in truth and what he said couldn’t be said any better. If this man weren’t president he would either be in jail or in a mental institution. Maybe it’s time to take those humorous words seriously. Otherwise we are headed for an America that resembles the totalitarian nightmare of Orwell’s classic 1984.

In that visionary work we find our protagonist works for The Ministry of Truth in a department that changes newspapers and magazines so that all articles and headlines match the new pronouncement, declaration, or legality that the government orders. The slogan of the Ministry was “Whoever controls the past controls the present…” How is that any different from our media accepting the lies from our esteemed officials about Fast and Furious, the Arab Spring, Benghazi, Seal Team Six, the IRS and on and on? Now our epoxy media wants us to believe that our Liar– Commander-in Chief “misspoke” and of course we, the unwashed masses, just didn’t understand because it’s our “right” to pay more or lose our healthcare so that illegal immigrants can enjoy the freedom of this country. By the way epoxy media, here’s another quote from George Orwell. ” If you want a vision of the future, picture a bootjack stomping on a human face-forever.” But as the compassionate and wise Hillary once said, ” What difference, at this point, does it make?”

Jews in Leftist Clothing

IMG_0432 Caroline Glick wrote a great piece about the lack of Jewish identity which is posted on her web site and also in the Jerusalem Post.

As a former Sunday School and Hebrew teacher I would like to add my own unsolicited but heartfelt opinion.

Many American Jews are Reform, which is not authentic Judaism, but a perversion to make the religion more digestible for non-Jews. It is one of the main reasons why we are losing, and have lost, many Jews to assimilation and atheism. As part of its history, the first Hebrew Union graduating class of rabbis were feted with a non-kosher meal which included crab and frog legs. For two generations Reform Jews have been taught that the Torah is not Divine but written by men. Why would any Jewish child take their religion seriously? Christians are taught Jesus is the son of G-d. Muslims are taught the Koran is divine. Jews are taught to read enough Hebrew for their bar/bat mitzvah.

Tikkun Olam is a tenet of Judaism. It literally means means repairing the world. To the Leftist mind this translates that a Jew must support every social program under the sun.The new Jew believes in social programs instead of G-d and fixing his/her own soul.
For more than ten years I taught in Atlanta area Sunday schools. I have used many curricula and textbooks. None gave the students a spiritual and historical basis for having pride in their heritage. Not one gave them the essence of the religion. It is our obligation as Jews to live a righteous life and to hold fast to Torah. In antiquity the Jews were captured and taken to Babylonia in chains. Psalm 137 reminds us how important Jerusalem was to our ancestors.137:5 “If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.” Our siddurs (prayer books) mention Jerusalem more than 600 times and never once in the Koran.

After life? daily prayer? Jewish children are taught that the former is ” not something Jews believe in” The latter is only necessary under dire circumstances.
Jews are a “stiff necked” people. We have been ranting and running from our covenant since bibical times. It’s time that Jews take the prayer, scrolled tightly in the mezuzah, seriously or for the next Pew survey there won’t be enough Jews to even poll.