Cultural Sabotage and Collusion

The Zimmerman case gave the whole country, as well as the rest of the world, a window into the ignorance and deeducation of our children. The bankruptcy of Detroit is another window for the oblivious of what’s happening to our country and the politicians who made it possible. Let’s look backward so we can put the decline of our country in perspective.

My husband and I left the Atlanta area in 2000, after the Clinton’s Empowerment Zone initiative gave more than $200,000,000 to poor city areas. Since I was an appointed member of a county Human Relations Commission I was invited to a huge gala announcement. These funds were supposed to be used by different organizations to fix urban neighborhoods. A few years later the Atlanta Journal did a story asking where all the money went. So, I was not surprised to see that fraud and corruption marked the initiative by Democrat and very white-black Mayor Bill Campbell, ending up in federal prison. Not surprisingly, Detroit was another recipient of taxpayer largesse, and the lawlessness that apparently goes hand in hand with government programs. Think Kwame Kilpatrick, the thug Democrat mayor of Detroit convicted of fraud and corruption.

Many people were shocked by Rachel Jentel admitting that she had a 3.0 GPA. I wasn’t. I worked in the school system and know that no matter how bad a student is, or how disrespectful and disruptive, a teacher is forced through bureaucratic rules and its enforcers, the administration, to pass all students no matter that the only thing they know are the latest rap lyrics. Middle class parents pay private schools or home school as well as pay taxes that keep the education bureaucracy alive. They left cities like Detroit and Atlanta so they could live in peace and not watch everything around them be destroyed. We are now paying for a deeducated population with a white-black president who managed to transfer to Harvard after a self proclaimed average performance at Occidental College. His adopted home of Chicago boasts black murders daily, but those guys must not look like him. Personally, I hear my grandmother as she watched her neighborhood change. “How do they burn brick?” she asked. I’m still wondering.

Just Another Injustice

Many of us are disgusted and appalled watching the corruption and politicization of our judicial system play out right in front of our eyes. Now we have proof that our DOJ (www.judicialwatch) got involved and dragged a non case into the system, one month after the Sanford police captain decided not to charge based on the evidence. It’s not the first time, but hopefully the “white-Hispanic” George Zimmerman will be the last political prisoner taken in the name of “justice.” My own experiences in the system warn me not to be optimistic.

A little of my history: Before I started working for the Department of Children and Families in Florida, I volunteered to be a guardian ad litem, which is basically a guardian for a child in the foster system. I had moved from Atlanta where I had served on the Human Relations Commission, been a teacher in the public schools, and a counselor in one of the county jails. My idea was to see what was going on in the state where I had moved. As that great philosopher Charlie Sheen said “Boom.”

I knew from my previous experiences with the state that most bureaucrats don’t read files, so when I received my first client I was not surprised, but still shocked, to see that a baby with cerebral palsy was taken away from his parents. The files stated the British mother was “too calm” when she called 911 and then was accused of trying to “abscond with her son” when she tried to loosen his IV in the hospital. After a year of the parents jumping through bureaucratic hoops and spending oodles of money on county programs designed to make money for the lawyers and other county or state employees I was able able to help get their child back because the judge mistakenly thought my credentials read MD and not MA.

The family court in Miami proved to be another forum of injustice based on the premise that government is always right. Children were taken from parents based on the DCF inspector’s judgement. Many of these first line employees had degrees in fields like accounting and had no experience with children. Judges always ordered the children to see psychiatrists and after a fifteen minute appointment with a Medicaid psychiatrist, and the foster parent kvetching about bad behavior, the children were put on meds. If their mood didn’t improve or worsened they got more. The judge took whatever the doctor said as TRUTH, and that was the end of the story.

As Americans we have mistakenly believed that we lived in a free country. Ask people who have been caught in the Statist nightmare. It’s not.
“You shall not pervert judgment; you shall not respect persons, nor take a bribe; for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise, and perverts the words of the righteous.” (Deuternomy) Justice is a value honored in the Judeo- Christian tradition. Power is the only value honored by a Statist.

Education on Trial


It’s getting harder and harder to write about specific news because everyday the news gets crazier and crazier and more bizarre. I’ve been following the Zimmerman case since the beginning because I found it extremely unusual that Zimmerman was arrested MONTHS later, after the police decided not to arrest him based on the following law and the evidence that they saw:

Under statute 776.012 Use of force in defense of person.–A person is justified in the use of force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against such other’s imminent use of unlawful force. However, the person is justified in the use of deadly force only if he or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony.

The “star witness” Rachel Jeantel is an embarrassingly ignorant young lady (and I use that term loosely). She is a nineteen year old, who is still in high school and cannot read or write cursive. In fact, I seriously doubt that her reading level is above an elementary level .This “star witness” couldn’t put an intelligible and coherent sentence together and was a major indictment of the public school system.

The rot of our education system didn’t start yesterday. My husband had a grammar teacher who would start everyday with,” Is you be havin yo homework duhday? That was in 1981. When he finally complained, he was sent to the office and was told he was “insubordinate.”

We are watching the state of our country play out in this political lynching disguised as a trial. Let’s hope the jury has the critical thinking skills and the courage needed to give an ethical verdict. Let’s also hope that the millions of TV viewers recognized the failure of the Statist education system sitting on that witness stand.

Thanks to Debbie Schlussel for that must see Key and Peel’s You Tube video

Hollywood Homicide


I love the TCM network. I don’t love Ted Turner or his politics but, by broadcasting the old MGM, RKO, and Warner Bros movies, he has unwittingly given Americans of all ages a window into the moral fabric of this country. One can hear the differences quite clearly, in the interviews and conversations with Barbara Stanwyk and Joan Crawford in the video posted above.

The movies range from the early 1930’s like the movie “Baby Face” starring Barbara Stanwyk,as Lily, a tough cookie who sleeps her way to the top. Eventually a tragedy forces her to realize that she really loves her husband, not just his money.

Another powerful performance I recently watched was Kirk Douglas as the Holocaust survivor in “The Juggler.” There’s a scene where he tearfully confesses to a beautiful Israeli kibbutznik about his past. Even though he was a Jew, he thought his fame as a performer would save him and his family. Instead, they were all rounded up and he ended up the only survivor. I could go on and on. but all of these old movies have something in common: a moral compass.

The dialogue in these movies is moving and connect the viewer to higher truths. The liberals producing inane scripts today have no connection to reality. Or perhaps they believe that they are special and they’re above us common folk.

We have lost. or are in the process of losing, our culture. The old Jews that started and ran those studios were immigrants. They were taught the moral precepts of the Ten Commandments and were not ashamed to show the world as it is and what happens when we don’t do the right thing.

Ben Shapiro writes in Big Hollywood about Hollywood losing money and the rationale being Netflix, Hulu, and other streaming video sources. I got news for Hollywood, start making good movies with dialogue above a kindergarten level and there’s a chance that people might return. I might even use the two free tickets I’ve been saving for something worthwhile and it’s not for the umpteenth incarnation of “Superman.”