Immigration Bill Is Bull

Talking heads and ex- Tea Party darling Marco tell us how important it is to pass a suicidal immigration bill. We have heard ad nauseum that there won’t be a Republican party unless it embraces the Hispanics who are now the largest voting block. Of course all the voter fraud and shenanigans perpetrated on the American people by the Progressives have conveniently been ignored. In my opinion, this deceptive policy (taquiya) is a strategy to undermine this country and to completely transform this country to rival the sharia credentials of England and France.

Connecting the dots, we start with all the Muslim Brotherhood associates that are now working in our government. Huma Abedin, Dahlia Mogahed, Arif Alikhan, Rashad Hussain, Mohamed Magid, Eboo Patel, Mohammed Elibiary, Salam al-Marayati are just a few. Suffice to say they are in positions of influence that include working in high level positions at the State Department and Homeland Security (so they can keep us safe.) Unless one has a brain that has turned to mush from too much American education and reading the NY Times, alarm bells should automatically go off. Then we see that our Dear Leader not only destabilized Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Turkey, and Syria, but provides arms and weapons to savages that have eaten body parts and has the chutzpa to tell us we’re on the side of the good guys..

I believe the 1000+ page bill is far more nefarious than we’re being told. I think our government is preparing to fill the myriad of mosques that have been built in many small towns and semi rural areas all over this country. According to CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood propaganda front, over 900 have been built since 2000.Why? According to a recent study made by the Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies there was a gain of 1,000,000 Muslims between 2000 and 2010 to a reported population of just over 2,000,000. This is a minute percentage of our approximately 320,000,000 general population

I have experienced this paradoxical situation myself after seeing a huge mosque: that can hold thousands be built in a black neighborhood (with no known Muslims.) Add that to the mosques expanding or being built in small towns like Lilburn, Ga and in Tennessee, deep in the heart of the Bible belt. Here’s my theory: the immigration will be from Muslim “refugees” imported to fulfill the Muslim Brotherhood’s dream of a Caliphate and the end of America. Weatherman terrorist, Bill Ayers, married to murderer, Bernadine Dohrn, stated yesterday that Obama is a war criminal. Of course he’s correct but we don’t know Ayers motivation. (Perhaps the blood in our streets isn’t gushing fast enough.) But I know this. Historically, when the Leftists team up with Islamists, heads are eventually cut off and displayed on stakes. The heads aren’t Islamists.

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My Father Is Best

Years ago, when I was a young girl and thought my life would always be the paradise that I was growing up in, there was show called “Father Knows Best.” My Dad didn’t quite fit the image of the WASPY Robert Young in his corporate suits. Instead, my father came home with colorful fingers because he was a printing ink chemist, and unapologetically wore clothes from the WWII era. After dinner he’d take off for the handball court and on the evenings he wasn’t out playing ball with the boys he would have all four of us kids playing running bases or he’d pitch so we could practice our batting and fielding.

My Dad is still here after celebrating 65 years of marriage and raising four kids. After coming home from scaling the mountains of Normandy, fighting the Nazi enemies, and liberating Dachau, he was thankful for the little bit of comfort and peace he found in his family. He was a handball champion and all around fine athlete, pioneer in the printing ink business, president of his synagogue and later his condo association. With all his accomplishments, he was( and still is) honest in all his business dealings and humble in demeanor.

He is the kind of person we expect to see in our government and too often don’t. Instead, we get liars, thieves,and opportunists in this Obamanation and their malevolent schemes perpetuated against the American people. The Judeo- Christian principles of the Ten Commandments or, in Hebrew, Eser Dibrot tell us to Honor Your Mother and Father. For me it’s been easy because my father has been an excellent role model. I wonder what happens to a country when the people find out their government is made up of traitorous con men; when role models like my Dad are gone?

Land of the Free?

Anne Smedinghoff

Anne Smedinghoff

This Memorial Day as we remember our Fallen we have to ask ourselves whether their lives were given for naught. The cornucopia of corruption and lies has been overwhelming, even for news junkies. The blogs and even some MSM villains like Chris Matthews and night time comedy staples Leno and Stewart are now paying attention. First the Benghazi Massacre, then the IRS political targeting, and to top it off the AP discovering its lines were being wire tapped. Due to this morass of dishonesty a few other scandals are being ignored.

Our distinguished Secretary of State, who made his mark in the 1970’s Vietnam Peace Movement, by lying about his military “brothers” and the war crimes he witnessed had to apologize for announcing at the Istanbul Embassy that 25 year old Anne Smedinghoff was killed while she was in an armed convoy. She wasn’t. She was murdered walking to an Afghanistan high school, even though she had armed protection. Notice the media forgot about this tragic murder within a day, even though she was the first American diplomat killed in that country in more than 30 years.

Another and far worse cover up is the Taliban shooting down of the 22 Navy Seal Team 6. It’s apparent that the heroes responsible for the death of Bin Laden were quickly forgotten by our government. When we look at the facts we know, it is beyond hellacious. The super heroes of our armed services were put at an extreme disadvantage by being flown in an old National Guard aircraft instead of their own specially outfitted SPECOPS Chinook. In addition, the fact that all were flying in one plane appeared to be highly unusual. Plus, the names on the manifest didn’t match the actual passengers. Larry Klayman’s group Freedom Watch is suing both our Commander in Chief and the Afghan government in regards to the highly suspicious deaths of these heroes.

We are living in an Alinsky designed nightmare. His disciples, Hillary, Holder, Obama and Company believe that the government can do whatever it wants:damn the consequences to the American people. We are in the process of discovering what it’s like to be the residents in the latest Leftist/ Muslim statist designed horror show.

My father, who is still alive and mentally alert, was one of the young soldiers who survived the violent waves of Normandy. He also received two Purple Hearts. The other day he looked at me in such despair. Squeezing my hand he said, “Remember I told you I was one of the Americans to enter Dachau? We never could understand how Germany, a very civilized society, committed the worst atrocities. Then we freedom loving, virtuous Americans came to save the world. And now…” He looked away.

The thugs that have taken over this country aren’t good enough to lick my Dad’s boots. This country was built on the blood and guts of good Americans like him living according to Judeo- Christian principles. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press are etched deep into this country’s DNA. This Memorial Day, as we mourn for our war dead, let’s remember who we Americans are and what America stands for. And may God bless America!

A Keystone Kops Country?

Video by Latma Thanks to Caroline Glick

Since we have witnessed and experienced such incredible events since the Barak Hussein Obama reign of terror, as citizens we have to come to a conclusion between two opposing ideas concerning our present government. One can believe this Barack Hussein Obama administration is as inept and hilarious as Mack Sennet’s Keystone Kops or just the opposite: that the events, lies, and murders are purposeful.

If this were a play the main characters would be Barak Hussein Obama, the mysterious mulatto who came out of nowhere to become the president. Valerie Jarrett,with her Communist step-father,would play the trusted secretary secretly manipulating her boss as they plot to sabotage their country. Hillary Clinton, would be the bull dyke with the gutter mouth, who has to prove she’s as tough as any man. She loses her beautiful, rich Muslim Brotherhood girlfriend ,Huma Abedin, to an adolescent-like senator who resembles the weasel he is. Minor characters like our new Secretary of State John Kerry, the richest gigolo in the world and an alcoholic uncle Joe Biden (isn’t that what FDR called Stalin?) who always embarrasses the family after a few drinks. Let’s add the celebrity ex-terrorist couple Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, neighbors of the mysterious mulatto president, who are also part of the cast. Last, but certainly not least, Eric Holder would portray the slimy lawyer. As Shakespeare wrote, ” All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players.”

Now let’s examine the reality. There have been more than 200 murdered in the Fast and Furious gun running scandal, Major Nidal Hassan murdered thirteen of our own brave warriors on an army base,and it is classified as workplace violence even though he shouted “Allahu Akbar” and had a history of advertising his belief in jihad. Let’s not the forget the Underwear Bomber who our government deemed safe to fly after being warned by his father that he was a jihadi , and the rapes, violence, and death involved with the celebrated Arab Spring throughout the Middle East. Is Benghazi a Massacre or Benghazi a Protest caused by that infidel producer still rotting in jail? As a climax we have the Boston Bombing by a pair of brothers who flaunted our laws, were let go by the FBI, and may have ties to Saudi Arabia which was just given special flying status so all the jihadis can pass right through passport control without a second glance.

As Americans it is our responsibility to pay attention. The problem is that on television and in the movies the audience is given some kind of warning that a character is evil. Whether it is a look, the music, or a cinema-graphic shot the audience is clued in. The problem with reality is that none of the bad guys have “evil” written across their brows. So I wonder whether this ongoing reality show has a cast of comedians or is it something more sinister?