Kermit Is Officially A Pig

Kermit baby The name Kermit always brings up touchy feely memories of Sesame Street,the loveable Muppets and their de facto leader Kermit the Frog, even though he had a strange romantic relationship with Miss Piggy. The name Kermit has now been hijacked by a monster.

The stories of the abortion “House of Horrors” is soul chilling. The fact that Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s workers were able to watch him sever the spines of babies who audaciously survived abortions is frightening. According to the grand jury report the workers often did the disgusting deed themselves when the doctor was too busy.

Some might say that abortion is legal so what’s the big deal?
The Nazis used that argument for every horror they committed. As I used to tell my adult students in ESOL class. There’s a differemce between legal and ethical. They aren’t synonyms. This isn’t only immoral. This is infanticide. This is the murder of black babies by a black doctor being paid by our government.

Leftist Jews state abortion is “okay” in Judaism. No, it isn’t. According to abortion is only allowed if the mother’s life is at stake. “In general, abortion is permitted only if there is direct threat to the mother” According to rabbis who are poksim, or learned rabbis able to interpret halachaic laws, once the baby is even partly out of the womb the life is equal to the mother’s.

Dr. Kermit Gosnell is the American Mengele, but the Propaganda Ministry formerly known as the media, wants to make sure this is a non-story like Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and President Obama’s top secret background. Stories like this demonstrate why our country no longer stands for freedom. Our Torah states,” When you have a choice between life and death choose life.” This is what happens when you don’t.

Jewish Dhimmis and Gun Control

Michael Savage on Jimmy CarterHappening Now According to Rashi, the great Talmudic scholar, only one fifth of the Hebrews left their slavery in Egypt. Hard to believe, but the majority stayed and chose slavery instead of freedom. Today I watch in horror as I see Jews doing the same thing.
The self proclaimed anti-Semite Jimmy Carter was invited to speak at Yeshiva University’s Cardozo Law School, the cowardly board of a Great Neck synagogue disinvited champion of freedom Pamela Geller to speak, and ignorant Jewish gun control advocates decry the 2nd amendment. All have something in common. They have chosen the easier and safer route of slavery instead of freedom.

The 2nd amendment was included in the Bill of Rights to protect average citizens against totalitarian regimes. It’s not like we haven’t seen murder and mayhem in the 20th century before. Maybe all these “intelligent” and “elite”Jews have a case of collective Alzheimers because we know that Hitler confiscated all the guns before imprisoning Jews in ghettos and transporting them to Hell. Lenin confiscated all the guns of an armed population, and the only way Jews survived in Arab countries was by being servile dhimmis (second class citizens) who couldn’t even walk on the same sidewalk as Muslims- no less have the right to bear arms.

Jews have a history of cowering in order to survive. It’s time we stand together with stalwart heroes like Pamela Geller, Andrew Bostom, and conservative martyr Andrew Breitbart who died standing up for our first amendment rights. “Never again” isn’t just a pop slogan. It has to mean something. Freedom involves risk, but without risk there is no freedom. What do you choose?

Remember When Gay Meant Happy?

BDxAWWnCIAAjcVa Some of you may be too young to remember that gay used to mean happy.

An example of this is the following sentence: At the party we were all gay and festive. Now, without context, we assume everyone was homosexual and in a happy frame of mind.

Somwehere, probably about the time the DSM IV (the APA Bible) was being written, the happy term was affixed to homosexuals and lost to joyous feelings.

One of the arguments used against DOMA and Californians voting against gay marriage is that it’s a civil right. They were born that way. It’s genetic. OK, here’s my question. Why wasn’t that gene trumpeted when it was found? There weren’t headlines because it wasn’t found.

Awhile ago I had a homosexual hairdresser who lived with his boyfriend. He became good friends with my husband and I, so I felt comfortable enough to ask him about the mysterious gene. He said it’s not true and it’s used for political reasons. He said that most gays were molested by a homosexual men when they were young, although about 10% were “born that way.”

I thought back to when I was a young and worked in a bar at the Jersey shore. We’d go to a gay hotel restaurant after work and I still remember the sexual tension and head turning when I walked in. Not everyone, but enough that I was aware that all the boys weren’t homosexual.

I also have worked with young women who were abused by men and in response take up a same sex lifestyle. The day I realized my tolerance only went so far was when I was told that the daughter of my dear friend was impregnated by the use of a turkey baster. It was said so casually I was shocked.

There’s a reason that every civilization that embraced the normalcy of homosexuality declined and then died. There’s a reason that the rabbis railed against the Hellenization of the Jews and that Sodom was destroyed. Has anyone seen the pornography in Pompeii? A marriage between a man and a woman raising a family together is the glue that keeps civilization together.

What Is Happening Here?

The brilliant Caroline Glick wrote a great piece for Frontpage Magazine concerning the apology and possible consequences of Bibi’s apology to Turkey’s prime minister Erdogen. What was the apology for? Those darn Jews had the audacity to protect themselves against the faux “peaceniks” on the Mavi Marmara who went after them with metal rods and knives (see clips above.)

Let’s start with the big, showy, and not to mention expensive trip that the Big O didn’t have to make. Certainly not to impress American Jews who voted for him in droves. No matter what he does, they accept and cheer his ‘audacity,’ or what I like to call antisemitism. But like abused wives making excuses for violent husbands they keep returning for more love pats.

Bibi’s under no such illusion- especially after the Big O slapped him silly by refusing to speak to the Knesset. It could be that he didn’t want to stand in the same place Glenn Beck did a few years ago. Or, more likely, it could be that he wanted to speak directly to the radical students who were the only ones invited to this historical occasion.

As he spoke under a banner of the PLO terrorist leader Yasser Arafat,the audience of young radicals cheered and certainly understood the symbolism. This was the same playbook he used in Egypt to usher in the fanatical Muslim Brotherhood. This is the man who imperially sat in Prime Minister Natanyahu’s office as he made the call to Erdogan. Now Erdogan has raised the jizya price to 1,000,000 per “victim” and just one small additional thing- the opening of the Gaza blockade