CAMERA’s Eye on the Media

Happening NowWishin I Could Cry  The other night I went to a presentation given by CAMERA, the foremost organization monitoring how the media presents the Israeli-“Palestinian”conflict to the American public. It was held at a Boca Raton synagogue so I expected a lot of people and was afraid I wouldn’t gain entry because I hadn’t preregistered. No problem. There were plenty of seats.

Although the hall eventually filled up, I only saw one person under 50. It’s a shame because we received a lot of important information, including a free copy of its published study “Indicting Israel” an empirical examination of how differently the New York Times treats Israel and faux Palestine. The outcome was that Israel was criticized more than two and a half times more than their neighbors. Since The New York Times is considered “the newspaper of record” international media choose their coverage and attitudes based on what is printed in this American Pravda. It’s not like the New York Times doesn’t have a history of ignoring antisemitism and totalitarianism. Its bias and prejudice towards thugs and barbarians has been so obvious, its theme song could be ‘Anything Goes.”- by any enemy of Israel. The evidence is laid out professionally based on more than almost three hundred articles related to the Israeli-“Palestinian” conflict.

I think the worst thing for me to hear was that so many of the writers and editors are, and were in the past, Jews. It’s time that their voices shilling their socialist propaganda be silenced. Purposeful or not, they sell their own people to the highest bidder time and time again. Like the Torah teaches- “in every generation.” It’s time for a new meme and courageous organizations like CAMERA are leading the way by giving bloggers and grassroot organizations ammunition in their fight for Truth. Torah admonishes us to stay far away from falsehoods. Emet, or truth, is one of the eternal values we are taught. CAMERA is focusing on the truth and by doing so is doing the heroic job of the righteous.

Hugo Chavez and Women’s Mortality

img-map-female-mortality-small Although the media is in eulogy mode for Hugo Chavez, the man who singlehandedly destroyed Venezuela, I choose not to glorify the tyrant who transformed destroyed his country. Here in South Florida we have two entire towns that are filled with refugees and ex-patriots who fled the despotic rule of the man who took over banks, media companies, and anything that got in the way of his faux compassion for “los pobres” and his billions in money hijacked from its citizens.

Let’s face it. We live in a world in which we wade through lie after lie day after day and we all feel like Alice in Wonderland because nothing makes sense anymore. Yesterday I heard a news byte that for the first time women’s mortality rates have worsened by about 40%. Researching this I discovered that this study was done by a PHD candidate at the University of Michigan-Madison under a Dr. Kindig who was appointed to lead a Medical Institute roundtable. The Medical Institute has connections with Harvard and the study was paid for by the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation, which supports leftist organizations and advocates taxpayer funded government healthcare.

This “shocking” study discovered negative results only occurs in Southern and Western rural counties. “The experts” are baffled over how this could happen and can not come up with any reason except smoking and obesity. By the way, those are two area that the Johnson Foundation contributes a lot of funding. HT Discover the Networks

I have an idea. Let’s look into other factors like marriage and motherhood.
I grew up on the cusp of the feminist generation. When I was in high school
girls would work until they got married. If they worked after they had kids, it would be teaching or nursing so that they could manage schedules to be with the children.
I would like to know how many of these women were married, if they worked, and how many children they had. I’d like to know all the stress they had in their lives. Feminists sold the country a lie. They said women can do everything. They can. But they can’t do it all at once and without a husband it’s almost impossible.

Women juggle so many things and single mothers juggle even more. If juggling were so easy we’d all be able to do it, perform in the circus, and live a long healthy life. But maybe if all those rural white women moved to the city they would have lived longer and our government could have saved them- just like Fidel saved Chavez.

Eating Pie With Amelek

pie in the face Last week I substituted at a private religious school. The teacher left lesson plans and I followed them as best I could. Two books could have been included in Elementary Propaganda 101. One is called Enemy Pie and the lesson of the story is, “just be nice and everything will be hunky-dory.” The picture book is about a boy who is upset because he wasn’t invited to party, and wasn’t invited over to jump on the trampoline of this new kid in the neighborhood. His father has the solution. HE bakes a pie and tells his son that he has to play with this nasty Jeremy first and then he can bring him the “enemy pie.” So the boy goes over to his “enemy’s” house and they have a grand old day and then they eat the delicious pie and they’re now BFFs. Even the little boy is surprised at how tasty the pie is because he thought an “enemy pie” would rightly taste like barf.

Where do I start with how wrong this is? How about that it’s bullshit and a terrible thing to teach children growing up in a free society. Children need to learn that not everyone’s going to like them. However, this is a great way to teach our children to grow up to be dhimmis.

This insane philosophy fits what our government is doing with our enemies around the world and within our own borders. Our esteemed representatives must believe that if we give them enough money and arms they’ll like us. Wrong. They’ll still be the same evil beings that they were before, but kill us using the weapons that we gave them or bought with the money we thought was going to buy their friendship.

Jews are taught that in every generation there is Amalek (evil or wickedness)and that one of our jobs is to destroy it. It is fascinating and appalling to see how little we have learned. Saul, the first king of Israel, lost his kingdom because he kept the king of the Amalekites alive, even though the Almighty told him to slay every living being. It is time to learn that loving your enemy is just an easy way to become a tuches licking dhimmi or maybe even a dead one.

The New Queen Esther

Pamela Geller Yesterday was the Fast of Esther, a fast that leads up to the joyous holiday of Purim.The story goes like this. With the help of her cousin Mordeccai and the pleas for G-d’s intervention the beautiful Queen Esther saved her people from Haman’s dastardly plot to kill all the Jews of Persia. Today that country is called Iran and it still wants to destroy all the Jews of Israel. When that job is complete – all Americans.
A few years ago I said to my husband that we need a contemporary Queen Esther. Now we have one. Kol Ha Kavod (all my respect) to the Creative Zionist Coalition for honoring Pamela Geller for the courage, intelligence, and sheer chutzpah she has demonstrated warning the American people about our most insidious enemy.
I don’t remember what year I started reading her blog Atlas Shrugs but it was still when she had her Supergirl-like logo, which I loved. Reading her blog answered the many questions I had about the spread of Islam throughout Europe as well as to the sovereign shores of the USA. Through her informative posts I was introduced to Bat Yeor’s essential tome Eurabia and the plan for a new Caliphate.

Ms. Geller didn’t stop with a blog, even after lawsuit after lawsuit. She didn’t stop even after murderous threats and emails. Instead she found her Mordeccai, David Yerushalami, and together they fight the Arab-Islamic forces that practice jihad by force or taquiya to destroy our country and make us second class citizens. She, with co-founder Robert Spenser created the organizations Stop the Islamization of America and the Freedom Defense League which have caused a lot of belligerency,kvetching, and lying from the ” Religion of Peace.”

She has stood shoulder to shoulder with the men of the EDL that are now in a British jail for standing up for their country. She has stood resolutely with Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, and almost single handedly brought down the Muslim crook Imam Rauf and his group of thugs and their plan to build the victory mosque on the blood of the Twin Towers.

On Purim Jews are supposed to get so wasted they can’t tell the difference between Mordaccai the hero and Haman the villain. It looks like our Office of Propaganda ( formerly known as the media) have been drinking more than the Koolaid because they can’t tell the difference between the good Ms. Geller and the nefarious forces of CAIR and its minions.

Mazel tov to the beautiful and courageous Ms. Geller our new Queen Esther.