The Three Blind Mice or Three Halal Pigs?

Hillary Benghazi The other day I was at a meeting of other like minded people and we were talking about the state of our country. I brought up Hillary’s fashion choice at the not so grand inquisition of the Benghazi massacre. Since not one pundit appeared to notice that she blatantly demonstrated her alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood by wearing their colors; green and black I thought I was being paranoid or imagining she was sending a symbolic message. One of the other women who had lived in both Somalia and Syria with her State Department husband seconded my opinion and said I was absolutely right. The question then is, has Hillary converted to Islam or was she just telegraphing a positive message to our Muslim enemies. Although “What difference, at this time, does it make?”

Then we have John Brennan who has been implicated by a former FBI agent that he converted to Islam when he was posted to Saudi Arabia. Of course the Government Propaganda Ministry, formerly known as the media. denigrate John Guadolo, the FBI agent disseminating this information. Brennan. like Hillary, also gave a blatant message that doesn’t prove he’s a Muslim, but does prove to whom he has aligned himself. He called Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Israel Al Quds, which is the name Arabs renamed it. Now, some people say it doesn’t matter because we are guaranteed freedom of religion in this country, but as a public servant he swears allegiance to our constitution. As a Muslim he swears allegiance to Allah. Hillary would say.” What difference, at this time, does it make?”

Then of course we have Chuck, I never met a Jew I Liked, Hagel who is being considered for the head of the Department of Defense to replace the communist Leon Panetta. He’s hitting a roadblock because he won’t disclose his foreign sources of funding after being demanded to do so. Carl Levin is making this sound like this is over the line, although Harry Reid made the same demand of Henry Kissenger years ago. Now I don’t know about you, but I have no sources of foreign funding, I wonder just what service Senator Hagel is providing and to whom. This is Commonsense 101 but of course, “What difference, at this time, does it make?”


A She Is Not a He

girls and boys I’ve liked Nathan Fillion ever since his starring role as Mal in Firefly, so the other night while watching Castle I thought I heard something weird- a female police captain being addressed as ” Sir.” I asked my husband if I heard correctly and he grunted his assent. He added that it started a while ago on Battlestar Galactica when female higher ups were called sir. This is a terrible trend and further blurs the line between the sexes.

Let’s start being truthful instead of politically correct. Girls are not boys and shes are not hes. We were created with many differences Females and males are physically and mentally different and it’s time to recognize that.

In the 70’s a psychiatrist at John Hopkins tried to prove that sexual identity was a cultural construct which was the bogus argument feminists employed.
In 2004 Dr. Reiner did follow up studies on the children who had surgery to make them the opposite sex because they were born with abnormal sexual parts or had psychological problems. Shocker! He told his staff to do no more operations because the long term results were disastrous.

“Two Johns Hopkins Children’s Center studies confirm that prenatal exposure to normal male hormones alone dictates male gender identity in normal XY male babies, even if they are born without a penis. The results seriously question the current practice of sex-reassigning some of these infants as females, performing castrations or other surgery to align them cosmetically and hormonally with a female role.” By the way, for those of us living under a rock, our brains are different too.

Now our oh-so smart Obama administration has decided that women in the military can be on the front lines. Remember the scene in Titanic where the women and children were put into the lifeboats first. That was true. Women were treated with respect. Today men don’t hold doors open for women, give up seats to pregnant women, and expect women to make as much money as men. Well comrades, when there’s no difference between a he and a she then we’re all plain “Sir”

One Pill Makes You…

psychotropic drugs I listened to Obama’s sickening speech while using children as props, just like Stalin, Hitler, and Castro et. al. in a gun grab against our 2nd amendment rights. The blogs and radio talk show hosts are apopletic and rightly so but in this war of words we’ll never win if we stay on the defensive. Breitbart knew that. Pamela Geller knows that.

The argument should be about psychotropic drugs. Everyone of those murderers was on them. A correlated relationship has been made between violence and anti-depressants in more than one study. Anti-depressant facts.

As a teacher and counselor who worked in public schools, residential treatment, and foster care I am too familiar with the negative and often dangerous side effects of these medications and the arrogance of some psychiatrists. I remember one time we had three children under the age of 13, Baker Acted and their well respected psychiatrist connected with Miami Children’s Hospital refused to see what was glaringly in front of his face. They were all on Lexapro, which like all anti-depressants, isn’t recommended for children. Many foster children are automatically put on meds because they’re “angry or depressed.” I don’t know about you, but in my universe it’s normal to be angry or depressed if a child is taken away from his/her parents. and made to live with strangers. Instead, family court judges decree that the child take any medication that the psychiatrist prescribes.

Many people blame the drug companies which are one of the biggest lobbies in DC, but if doctors didn’t prescribe them as cavalierly they couldn’t make as much money. We should be screaming for more oversight on the psychiatric community that for some mysterious reason gets a pass. This is a profession that updates and deletes mental health diagnoses every few years according to the APA which writes its bible the DSM. Isn’t it interesting that psychiatrists are always used for “reeducation” in the gulag and was implemented as a tool of the Frankfort group designed to change the values of our society. By the way. enlarging mental health services is part of the imperial gun grab.
We’re going to find a lot more people are mentally unstable.

Guns for Me but Not for Thee

It's for defense.

It’s for defense.

Ben Shapiro is a Jewish American patriot. He eloquently writes about the Left’s bias in our culture and unapologetic stands for the 2nd amendment. I watched a bit of his interview on Piers Morgan and heard a statement that was ignored by the host and the media.

I’m paraphrasing, but it was that his relatives in Europe were murdered because they couldn’t defend themselves.

Of course, that doesn’t mean they would have lived, but the Jews who fought back had a higher survival rate than the ones who walked like sheep to their deaths.

There used to be a name for people like Chuck Schumer, Barbara Boxer, Wasserman-Schultz,and Bloomberg:kapos. We can’t leave out the Leftist rabbis and groups that are screaming for gun control. Jews like them helped the socialist Nazi government round up and destroy the Jewish communities of Europe. As a matter of fact, Jewish Hungarian George Soros was one of them and is still disgustingly proud of what he did. Today this nefarious crew is helping to destroy the freedom we have in this country.

I would be foolish to assign motives for their anti-American stance, but I can repeat my Southern husband’s conclusion. He said that the people who say Jews are “so intelligent” are wrong because what could be dumber than not standing up for your freedom and the defense of yourself and your family. It’s not like there’s no historical data to prove what happens when you don’t, but as the Bible says; we are a “stiff-necked people.”