Lies and Damn Lies

Even wearing two pairs of glasses I can't find the Truth.

Even wearing two pairs of glasses I can’t find the Truth.

I’m sick of the traditional media. As a group, both broadcast and print shouldn’t be called news organizations anymore. Some pundits call it the MSM or mainstream media, but that’s still giving them a pass. Instead, it appears they’re all part of the propaganda ministry.

We have a few really terrible stories that are being white washed, covered up, and will eventually be ignored. “Fast and Furious,”a government sponsored gun running program, is responsible for deaths and bloodshed on both sides of our southern border. In the September government report it states that high level employees Weinstein and Melson were among 14 people who “bore a share of responsibility for ATF’s knowing failure in both these operations to interdict firearms illegally destined for Mexico, and for doing so without adequately taking into account the danger to public safety that flowed from this risky strategy.” Weinstein failed to pass along key information about the flawed tactics being used in Fast and Furious, while Melson and other ATF officials didn’t properly supervise the probe, the report states.

“Attorney General Holder has clearly known about these unacceptable failures, yet has failed to take appropriate action for over a year and a half,” added Issa, R-California. Brian Terry’s death? Don’t worry. Our patriotic government apparatchiks won’t lose their jobs or be arrested like we of the hoi polloi would.

Benghazi? It was caused by a movie. No, it wasn’t. According to the ” investigative” report done by handpicked drones there was some “mismanagement” and “problems with security”and “sloppiness” but basically it was the fault of the sodomized and murdered Ambassador Chris Stevens.The families of the murder victims, Chris Stevens, Glen Doherty,Tyrone Woods, and Sean Smith are still waiting for Hillary to testify after her providential concussion and hospital stay.

My favorite non-story is the two “rich junkies.” Although surrounded by a cache of weapons, bomb making ingredients, and instructions for terrorism that’s how the NYPD had the audacity to describe them. If they were children of “extremist and dangerous” Tea Party members, formerly known as the middle class, this story would be on CNN and front page of the NY Times for weeks (ie Trayvon Martin). Instead, the media is silent and only a British newspaper and the NY Post report that Morgan Gliedman the new mother gave birth to baby Melody Sunshine, and will enter rehab. Interestingly, she said she didn’t do drugs during her pregnancy. In the real world that would mean she was clean and didn’t need rehab. Luckily, the parents of would be terrorists Green and Gliedman are rich Democrat contributors. Where are all the interviews?

The tragedy for this country is that all the stories pertain to the machinations of this government. It appears that the propaganda ministers were told “Nyet.”

Security at Schools

I’m a former teacher who has taught various age groups, including adults. One time there was a security risk and we were put on “lockdown.” A criminal had taken a deputy hostage nowhere near our school. At the time, I was teaching English as a second language to adults and they all came to school in cars. They could all leave the same way. Instead, they were LOCKED in a “portable” a euphemism for a giant tin box for hours.

All I kept thinking was , what if this was a psychopath whose intent was to murder a classroom of children? This was my introduction the school security plan of Broward County. Florida.

After the mass murder in Connecticut the school board tried to come up with a new plan. The school superintendent, recently hired from Chicago, had just allocated $500,000 for GPS for school buses and refused to move that money to any security plan. You know, its the Chicago way,: he must have owed someone.

I have a cheaper and simpler plan for our brilliant School Board members. Have teachers volunteer to carry weapons and be responsible for their school hallway. In addition, all administrative personnel should be trained to carry a weapon. The teachers could be paid s little bit extra, like a department head does. Not administration. Instead, we have signs outside every school that it is a ” gun-free zone.”

The ” lockdown” happened to adults who came to this country for various reasons, but it was embarrassing that this was the best plan our ” elite” Board could come up with. We were lucky because the siege ended and nobody was hurt, but the problem has not been solved.

What Happened to Christmas?

When an old Jewish lady comments that it doesn't feel or look like Christmas then you know there must be some truth to the observation. Since my second husband is a Christian, we came up with a non-religious tradition that we both enjoy. We get in the car and ride around looking at the Christmas lights and decorations. Then home for some hot chocolate. When we first came to South Florida in 2000 every neighborhood was a virtual wonderland of lights. Christmas in the tropics became a beautiful display of lights instead of a blanket of snow. One felt Christmas in the air.
Not now. The other night we drove around and got excited if we saw a house lit up. Then we noticed something else. We drove through two different towns and noticed there were no town decorations. Not one.
Hollywood, Florida has a park that taxpayers spent more than twenty million dollars to upgrade- but not one Christmas light was displayed. For an American Jew , who remembers school and church choirs singing at the malls, this is very sad. As a little girl I used to hate Christmas time because I couldn't participate, so one would think that I'd be glad that the signs of Christmas disappeared. No one was more surprised than I when I realized how terrible this was. I'd always loved the carols and seeing the beautifully decorated trees at the homes of friends and now there was none.
It was always very apparent to this Jew, that even though Christmas was a religious holiday, it was also American. The beautiful lights that lit up the darkness, and choirs in public places like the mall or town center singing the familiar Christmas carols, was a moment of " peace on earth goodwill to men." that reminded us who we were. Hearing the sounds of Christmas while running around the mall to finish shoppimng, was part of America. Taking the kids to sit on Santa's lap was tradition. What happened?
I remember when a creche was set up yearly outside the post office in the small town where we lived. No one went to the ACLU. Everyone assumed that was part of the Christmas landscape. But somehow and for some specious reason we no longer have public displays of this joyous holiday. Driving the dark streets of South Florida I commented to my husband that this must be what Christmas in a Communist country is like. He didn't disagree and said we'd better have our hot chocolate before that disappears too.

Rampant Racism at Hofstra ?

Scholarship thugs


Full disclosure: Hofstra is my alma mater. I graduated long enough ago that almost all the athletes were white. As a matter of fact, my boyfriend was on a football AND baseball scholarship, but since he needed spending money, worked as a teaching assistant.

That’s the background. Here’s the story. Until the other day, I didn’t know about the four black basketball players who were on scholarship at Hofstra University, a very expensive, private university. Other peoples’ money paid for their room and board, excellent education, and even their textbooks. They admitted guilt to stealing over $10,000 worth of tech products from other students.Even though one of these young men had already been kicked out of school for his unacceptable behavior, apparently winning basketball games was more important to decision makers.

Instead, we should start calling a spade a spade (for the ignorant- that’s a common expression). These boys are nothing but ungrateful, talented thugs. but they were treated with reverence by students, faculty, and administration.

This story ties in with the Jovan Belcher homicide/suicide. A black football player murdered his baby’s mother and excuse after excuse was given to rationalize his barbaric behavior. Reporters went so far as to blame this horrendous incident on a concussion. Since when is murder a symptom of a concussion? A follow up story shows that this was the tragic ending of a night of drinking and visiting a woman who was not his ” baby momma.” It must have been the concussion.

I could go on and on with stories. When my son was a gymnast at the University of Nebraska a a black football player threw his white girlfriend down the stairs and she landed in the hospital. The administration threatened her with pulling her scholarship if she reported it to the police.

How about OJ? I was sitting with a group of extras working on a movie in Atlanta when the verdict came in. Even though I was familiar with the cultural differences, I was appalled to see how joyous the black contingency was. We white folks looked at each other with looks of horror, consternation, and bewilderment. It was very clear that justice was not served.

It is time to stop the adulation of a thuggish. criminal culture. It’s great that so many top athletes are black or brown, but unless we demand the same behavior from all our citizens and enforce justice for all, our country will end in chaos. As citizens we must call savage, barbaric behavior what it is. As Pamela Geller’s posters encourage, ” In the war between the civilized person and savage support the civilized man.” As Americans we have to take these words to heart and start calling bad behavior what it is. If I were one of the parents PAYING for my child’s education I would be furious.