If Not Now

“The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant, and so devastating that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored because it cannot survive their being repeated.”

Many non-Jews and sadly, even Jews, believe that the Chanukah miracle is all about oil that lasted eight days. This is the children’s version. Actually, the miracle is more magnificent and decidedly more difficult. It’s about a small group of Jews who stood for their covenant with God against the strongest army in the world. Of course, they also had to fight against their fellow Jews who stood with the enemy. Sound familiar?

We are reaching, or have reached, a point of no return because of the wholesale corruption of our government and society. We have a government that has covered up the massacre at Benghazi which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens, Greg Doherty, Tyrone Woods, and Sean Smith. Before that, we listened to the same chorus lie about the murders of border agent Brian Terry and between 200-300 Mexican citizens on our southern borders. We have a government that pressures Israel to measure their defensive blows, but makes excuses for the destructive wickedness and cold blooded murders of babies and children of their new BFF the Muslim Brotherhood.

If we continue on this path of moral ambiguity we are on a path that we have already tried and it is a very ugly one. Since people aren’t taught history anymore they probably don’t know that many Nazis escaped to the Middle East. Even those that do know something of WWII forget that Rommel was stationed in North Africa. After the surrender, Odessa, an underground network, helped many of the Nazi officers escape to Egypt and Syria to name only two.

“Jeffrey Herf, a professor of history at the University of Maryland, has written an eye-opening book about the effectiveness of Nazi ideas in the Middle East during the Second World War called, “Nazi Propaganda For The Arab World.” In it, he describes the Nazi campaign for the minds and hearts of the Arab world in great detail—particularly the Axis radio programs that ran in Arabic around the clock from late 1939 until March of 1945.

These broadcasts spewed venomous anti-Semitism and pushed every demagogic button imaginable. They were also highly effective. In fact, long after the last vestige of Nazi rhetoric faded from consciousness in Europe, the poisonous seeds planted back then are still bearing deadly fruit.” HT http://playwrighter.blogspot.com/2011/05/hitler-and-arabs-nazis-in-middle-east.html

Americans have to remember that the Nazis not only killed Jews, but anyone who stood for their own religion or beliefs of conscience. And, just because we’re such a forgetful and under educated society lets remember that Nazi is the acronym for National SOCIALISTS. The plan was a one world government without Jews. The war never ended.

Where are the Republicans?

I was pleasantly surprised to see the great turnout in North Miami for four famous, conservative pro-Israel speakers sponsored by the Jewish Policy Center, Let Freedom Ring, and Reagan.com. The famous four were Dennis Prager, Michael Medved, Hugh Hewitt,and John Voight. Since the invitation came from a Jewish organization, I was surprised when the man sitting next to me told me he was a Catholic who was originally from Cuba and very concerned about the state of our country.

Each of the speakers spoke about topics that were particularly of interest to him personally. John Voight spoke about the importance of Israel, Dennis Prager and Michael Medved spoke about brainwashing students in our universities, and Hugh Hewitt gave us a lot of his personal background working with Nixon.

Although they all stayed away from the Benghazi tragedy, one of the questioners at the end of the program brought it up. It was a good question, but more importantly are the answers that we’re not getting from our government. As of today, almost two months after this massacre occurred, I still have not heard the Republican establishment demanding answers for this travesty. The dissonant information that trickles out from the administration versus the parents of the murdered victims is very disconcerting.

The way this is handled by our representatives and other government officials is imperative to the rule of law and the future of our country. Remember, just a few months ago the Democrats booed G-d and Israel three times. The world that they believe in has no G-d only government, so the government does whatever it wants to do. If the people who are responsible for this are not brought to justice I’m afraid we are in for more despotic and unamerican activity that is beyond our worst nightmares.

I Shrugged

My husband and I had a rare Saturday night date. I say rare because our nights out have become unusual due to our fiscal downturn, so I was really looking forward to seeing Atlas Shrugged Part II. I was one of the few people who thought the first part was good. I even thought that the train scene of Dagny tranversing the magnificance of the USA was excellent, so I figured with a bigger budget and more publicity we had a winner. I was wrong.

First of all, there were only nine people at a 7:15 Saturday showing. That was my first disappointment. The only underlying excitement was realizing that we could have any seat in the whole theatre. That was really the best part of the evening. The rest was disappointing.

The reason, I believe, the movie failed is that there was no character development. It was made very clear to the audience that everything was falling apart in our country but we didn’t understand why we should care. Remember, we are inundated with post apocalyptic movies and TV shows daily, so a scene with a sign that gas is selling for $47.00 isn’t too moving.

A good movie develops both plot and character. The problem was that it didn’t really do either. Part of the problem could be the way the story was broken into parts. This part of the story focused on the industrialists, creators, and experts disappearing. Although the character of Hank Reardon was portrayed well, it would be quite confusing for anyone not familiar with the story to understand his relationships with Dagny and his insufferable wife. For me, whose first love was Howard Roark, the hero from Rand’s The Fountainhead, not to care what happened to any of the characters was the real disappointment.

A Bolt of Common sense

The other day I saw one of my heroes in person and I’m still swooning. Unlike many modern “heroes” he is not young, isn’t an entertainer, or endowed with a body like a competitive athlete. All that means nothing to me compared to the hyenas this man has had to stand up to. Ambasador John Bolton was out on the campaign trail stumping for Mitt Romney. Apparently, he was chosen to be Romney’s foreign relations advisor. In this tricky and dangerous area of expertise I can’t think of choosing anyone better.

Ambassador Bolton is a Reagan Republican who has served in many positions including the State Department as undersecretary and as our ambassador to the UN. He’s a conservative who believes in America’s exceptionalism and states so unequivically. For example, when he was asked whether we should get out of the UN he answered that we should be paying less and making sure that we get our needs met for the money we are paying.(Paraphrased)

Another statement that remains with me is what he said about Obama’s relationship with Natanyahu. He didn’t mince words,and said that in his whole political career he has never seen a head of state treated so disrespectfully. He also said that for peace talks to be successful between Israel and the Palestinians they have to meet face to face and hammer it out themselves after the Palestinians accept Israel as a Jewish state.The most annoying thing was that there wasn’t as many people, especially Jews, there as I expected. The only way people found out about this was by e-mails.We’re talking political rock star at a neighborhood synagogue for free. My friend googled the location and Bolton and came up with nothing.This is one of the problems that I have noticed with the GOP. Their organization is absolutely terrible.

The best part, even better than Bolton, was how many people left when Democrat representative Ron Klein was announced. Probably at least half
of the people left at intermission because they didn’t want to see or hear the lies and nonsense that he’d spew.

For me, Romney did it again. He’s chosen Ryan for vice president and we now have the possibility of Ambassador Bolton replacing Hillary as Secretary of State. This is a trifecta of three principled men who take their obligations to this country seriously. Our Three Commie (or is it Islamic) Stooges seem to have their loyalties confused.