Trick or Treason?

Do you think I was born yesterday?


Treason: “The betrayal of one’s own country by waging war against it or by consciously or purposely acting to aid its enemies.”



Under Article III, Section 3, of the Constitution, any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to its enemies by giving them aid and comfort has committed treason within the meaning of the Constitution. The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of allegiance to the United States, such as furnishing enemies with arms, troops, transportation, shelter, or classified information. If a subversive act has any tendency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist its enemies, aid and comfort has been given.

The Treason Clause applies only to disloyal acts committed during times of war. Acts of dis-loyalty during peacetime are not considered treasonous

So there’s the definition. It’s pretty clear to me that what actually happened in Libya is being covered up by the lying communist bunch currently running our government. If we were to continue to listen to the administration’s PR arm, or what used to be called “the media” we would still think that Watergate was the “the worst government cover-up” and that Woodstock was something glorious instead of a disgusting display of drug addled rutting bodies.

Although it’s quite amusing to watch the rats run for cover. I have a more amusing idea. Wouldn’t you like to see them all squirm in front of Judge Judy? Picture Judge Judy giving each and every one of them a piece of her mind. First , she’d start with a few innocuous questions like, ” WHO received those emails asking for more security? And that was WHEN?”

Then, when Susan Rice or another one of the democratic cronies roll her eyes pleading for help from Hillary the Judge would proceed to eviscerate her with her vinegar laced voice. “Don’t you look at Hillary when I’m talking to you.”
And then the climax of her diatribe… ” I believe that Representative Michelle Bachmann and four other patriotic representatives of the American people inquired about the Muslim Brotherhood affecting our foreign policy about a month ago. Everyone who thinks they’re so important… I’m talking to you Madam Secretary… ridiculed their concerns. But in my book, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s not a chicken, but a DUCK. According to the evidence it looks like the main advice to you, the Secretary of State and to our dear leader have intimate ties to the enemy.
” But your Honor, it must have been the vast right wing conspiracy…”
” Listen you, I wasn’t born yesterday and furthermore, I didn’t need my husband to get where I am today. And by the way, you two crooks deserve each other. Now get out of my court and let the people take care of its business- and fast- before we lose this country.”

Who Helped Obama?

Since I’ve lost my job and been home, I’ve been able to spend time reading the blogs and listening to the radio. Today there’s been a lot of talk about Obama’s “nobody in America has gotten to where he is without help” speech. Bloggers and talkers emphasized the insult to the American people and the entrepreneurs that helped make this country great. Even Mr. Romney reacted. The insult to “we the people” was great enough that the Republican presumptive nominee showed some righteous indignation however; no one has mentioned what I think is closer to the truth.

I think Obama believes his statement. Why? Psychological projection- which very subtly tells the Obama story. Projection is a subconscious defense mechanism that people use (note the subconscious) to project onto others the needs, wants, or beliefs of the self. We can see this every time a looney Leftist cries racism. Those of us with any sense look at each other perplexed because we have no idea what the individual is talking about. As a matter of fact every Republican political “sin” comes from the Leftists own minds. Envy? War on women? You name it. Everything we’re accused of feeling or doing against them has already been done by them or believed by them. Think of a jealous spouse who’s cheating.
Our president, Barack Hussein Obama, has been very secretive about much of his life. As a matter of fact, its impossible to figure out how he got into elite schools with his self reported mediocre record from Occidental, or who paid for his education. Even with affirmative action, we have to assume someone or some group helped him because he didn’t earn his entry into the Ivy League.
Then, after finishing his education, he started his political career, in of all places Chicago. Now why would a young man from Hawaii start his political career in a city that has the reputation for the dirtiest politics in America? Of course, we the hoi polloi, are supposed to believe that Rashid Khalidi,Tony Rezko, Valerie Jarrett, et al met our president by happenstance. And of course the Chicago Way is crony capitalism practiced as only master thugs and crooks can. The rest of us? Mr. Obama, we still believe in doing it on merit.

What Happened to Truth, Justice and the American Way?

“Even wearing two pairs of glasses I can’t find the Truth ”
“Before the world of truth can come, the world of lies must disappear” – Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook
And if one is a believer then one believes that He doesn’t like that. In fact, He gets really, really angry and has made cities and even countries disappear. So, based on Jewish history, we should be shaking in our boots (or here in S. Fl ,flip -flops.)
When I was a little girl I used to watch Superman on our black and white TV every afternoon. The opening line, ” It’s a bird. it’s a plane- no, it’s Superman- fighting for truth, justice, and the American Way. This was what all of us, whether here or living in the hell hole of a Communist country believed. America stood for principles and virtue. Somewhere in our history that all changed. People can point to Watergate- but I disagree.Today we are inundated with lies and corruption and we’re so used to it we don’t even blink.

All we have to do is look as the Obamacare Supreme court debacle. Citizens were told over and over again that it wasn’t a tax. In fact, we were told that there would be no new taxes on the middle class. So what does John Roberts do? He bases his decision on the constitutionality of Obamacare on the fact that it’s a TAX. But, it’s much more than that.

How about our attorney general Mr Eric Holder? He has wrung every ounce of integrity out of this justice system. To those of us paying attention, we are appalled at how corrupt and insincere our attorney general actually is. We, as citizens, are supposed to accept his sly alibis and legal acrobatics with shrugs and move on to the next problem in the news cycle.
The only way we can turn this around. and it doesn’t matter what religion one is, one has to understand that there is an ABSOLUTE greater than government. Fires in the west, draught in a big part of the country, massive heatwaves and loss of electricity for weeks are signs that something is terribly wrong. If the past is any indication of the future I would say it’s time for repentance and obedience to Ha Shem. We’ve seen this movie before and it doesn’t turn out good. Maybe we should get back to the slogan Truth, justice and the American Way.

Huma Ain’t From Yuma

Huma Abedin, Anthony’s Weiner’s wife, is Hilary Clinton, the Secretary of State’s Deputy Chief of Staff. Another way to state this is: Huma Abedin Weiner, wife of THAT Anthony Weiner, is the main assistant Secretary of State. Plus, she never leaves Hilary’s side. Thanks to www.joshuapundit for the reminder of that cozy twosome or is it a menage a trois?
Now, I couldn’t care less if Hilary had a girlfriend- it’s not my business, but having the daughter and sister of big Muslim Brotherhood machas ( Yiddish for bigshots) influencing your decisions is quite another matter.
To anyone who has been paying attention, it is well documented that Huma has intimate ties to Muslim Brotherhood topdogs through her mother and brother. We also know that the The Muslim Brotherhood has sworn to restore the Caliphate, which is also part of their mission statement. Destroying the USA is also part of the plan. It’s also not new and not a secret.
The USA has had a history with the Arabs, going back to Thomas Jefferson who believed that if we paid their jizya we’d be stuck forever by becoming a dhimmi nation. He believed that Americans should stand for their freedom and independence. So, instead of paying them, he convinced Congress to fight them and so the Marines were formed. He knew that our Arab enemies believed then, as they believe today, “What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine.”
Our recent foreign policy has me wondering if we have finally reached that shameful dhimmi status that would have Thomas Jefferson rolling over in his grave. The Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates have taken power in Egypt,Tunisia,and Libya. Our government has covertly aided our sworn enemies political rise while telling us that it’ s fine and dandy. So this has had me wondering. I’m sure Huma is a very nice lady but I don’t think she has American interests at heart. What we need to worry about is what the Arabist State Department is NOT telling us and just what is Huma whispering in Hilary’s ear?