Israel Dwells Alone

Three month old Chaya Zissel Braun May G-d avenge her blood

Three month old Chaya Zissel Braun
May G-d avenge her blood

When Itzhak Rabin was Israel’s ambassador to the USA  in 1972,  he had a meeting with the Lubavitcher Rabbi. According to Yehuda Avner, who was  there, he was surprised when the Rebbe askd him if he felt alone as the representative of the Jewish nation in Washington DC. The Rebbe, however, was not surprised at his afffirmative answer. According to Torah, and demonstrated  peristently throughout history, Jews are a people who “dwell alone.”

This past week we have seen the gross negligence of our government to chastise and discipline the PLO, its assassins, and most importantly, Mr. Abbas  instigating the murder of Jews. According to the Palestinian Media Watch, he called for the murder of Jews 19 times  on the PA television station before the coldblooded shooting of Rabbi Glick on the Temple Mount. Only days before that, adorable three month old Chaya Zissel Braun was murdered during a Muslim terrorist attack on the Jerusalem light rail which also injured  seven people.  Not only did the faux Palistinians  celebrate her murder, but  Abbas’ advisor wrote:  “Murderer of baby is “heroic Martyr” – PMW Bulletins

It is time for Jews in this country to open their eyes and see, no matter how traumatic the truth of this government. It’s loyalty is to the Muslim Brotherhood. A US government official calls Prime Minister Natanyahu terrible names, including coward,  while Muslim leaders inciting terrorism are given more and more tax payer money. arms, and respect. Baby Chaya was a murdered American citizen.  Rabbi Glick, who was shot three times, on the Temple Mount is still an American citizen.Our president said nothing.  US money flows to anti- Zionist NGOs and foundations like the Brookings Institute and Left leaning Jews ignore  the  beheadings, slavery, and abuse that is happening right in front of their eyes.

Jews thought the Enlightment  would usher in the end of antii Semitism. Unfortunately they’ve been proven wrong. Herzl thought having our own Jewish  country would end anti-Semitism. It looks like he was wrong. Today anti- Semitism  is reaching the height it was  in the 30’s, which doesn’t bode well. Our government doesn’t care about a heroic military man, Sgt Tahmoorisi, imprisoned  senselessly and inhumanely in a Mexican prison  It doesn’t care about it’s wounded military, and it doesn’t care about infecting its population with a pandemic virus. Why would it care about a Jewish country that is in the way of its Caliphate? Jews are a people who “dwell alone” because we are a people who cherish life.  Our government has abandoned the sanctity of life to perpetuate a culture and religion that sanctifies death.

The Grand Mufti and Hitleer

The Grand Mufti and Hitleer


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