Just by chance, a young man was visiting at the home where I was tutoring. His university assignment was about the civil rights movement in America. When I enlightened him about the Jewish influence and activism in the early civil rights movement he was astounded. Unfortunately, I was not astounded by his total obliviousness about the Jewish activists and martyrs involved with the civil rights movement. The history of the civil rights movement is being distorted to erase Jews.
Here’s a good Jeopardy question. ” Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner” How many people would know the correct answer is , “Who were the Jewish civil rights workers murdered in 1964?” The two young Jews were murdered because they worked closely with James Chaney, a young black man. They were registering black voters; challenging the Democrat Jim Crow laws. Members of the Ku Klux Klan, sheriffs, and other democrat officials made sure all three of them were killed. Americans got the message. How did Jews, who became martyrs for civil rights, suddenly become the enemy of Negroes, Blacks, African- Americans, or whatever we’re ordered to call those with darker melatonin?
From what I’m reading and seeing in the democrat mouthpiece media and in schools, we are led to believe that Rosa Parks woke up one morning and decided not to give up her seat , that Martin Luther KIng PHD led the fight for equal rights alone, and that the Negro in the USA never overcame the effects of slavery. Let’s be clear, without the Jewish activists and lawyers, hard work and passion, history would have been very different. Not only were Jews an integral part of the founding and financing of the NAACP, but also of other civil rights organizations like CORE and SNIC. How about the contributions Julius Rosenwald, the great businessman and philanthapist, who gave much of his munificence to Black universities and civil rights causes? Where is the iconic photo of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel linking arms in Selma? Why didn’t Chuckie Shumer pull it up and shove it in all the anti-Semitic faces of the new socialist democrat party?
During those historical times in the early sixties, my rabbi, Rabbi Sidney Shanken, was one of the hundreds of activist rabbis . They were called the Freedom Riders. They rode into the Deep South on integrated buses. Another Jew, Rabbi Israel “Si” Dresner, was one of the original bus riders- and the only Caucasian. Most Jews, like myself, could relate to the injustice perpetrated against our melatonin rich fellow citizens because Jews were bullied and scorned, and not for the first time in history. But now it’s time for Jews to stand up for ourselves.
Every time those anti- Semite and Israel bashing Muslims in Congress shame and slur us, instead of cowering Chuckie, Jerry and the rest of the Jewish contingent should remind them just how much we have contributed to the civil rights movement. It wouldn’t hurt to remind them that while Jews fought and often died fighting the Nazis during WWII, Muslims were part of Hitler’s evil axis- and they still are.