Without God: Anything Goes

1962  was a banner year. The banner read “No G-d Here.” That’s being facetious, but since the Supreme Court decision,brought by members of my tribe, we have seen our country in a severe moral decline that started with the John F Kennedy assassination in 1963. Since then our government has expanded in nefarious ways and means. The objective isn’t to govern but of to steal and keep power. If Hillary had won the last election the job of the progressive crooks( aka government) would have been completed. The middle class would have been annihilated. When Obama was nominated the media crowed about the “crease in his pants”while it purposely decided to ignore his sketchy background and Indonesian sojourn. Every morally shady relationship and fraudulent deal done during his presidency, as long as it was done by or with another democrat or pal, was and still is ignored. That’s why the lying fake media still say it was scandal free. Even today,after Imran Awan was caught fleeing to Pakistan the Dems have started the “It’s Islamophphobia” cacaphony.

For many months I stopped writing because all I heard were people’s opinions, ideas,and arguments based on a lot of ” he said she said.” Funny, but when I taught and students came to me with stories like that I would tell them to sit down and be quiet. When my daughter started dating I told her to, “watch what they do, not what they say.”
What’s wrong with our media? We had a Pakistani criminal enterprise working for a coven of more than 30 Democrats,who was stopped at Dulles Airport fleeing to Pakistan. For some strange reason, my representative in the 23rd district of Florida, no other than Debbie Wasserman Schmutz Schultz, threatened the Capitol police when her computer was held for evidence connected to this Muslim crime family. Apparently the leader of this Pakistani gang was brother Imran Awan who had his family members hired at more than $150,000 (each) a year since 2004 when he was hired by Robert Wexler, who resigned under a mysterious cloud,and then passed to the Schmutz Wasserman- Schultz in 2005. Since then this Islamic crew was paid over $4,000,000 and had access and passwords to key Democrat computers and their passwords.

“The Awan brothers had complete and direct access to information of three extremely sensitive committees: The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the Homeland Security Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The access to the information they had, along with their known or suspected affiliations to such groups as Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood, has “shaken” government insiders with knowledge about the case. (Hagmann)

In addition to this very suspect relationship with the Dems according to the Gateway Pundit:
“A search of guests at the White House show that Imran’s younger brother Abid was a guest at the White House on Thursday, November 21, 2013. He arrived at 5pm and didn’t depart for 7 hours. He attended with another 17 individuals.”

From all this information that we’re finally getting, it’s very possible that many of our tragedies like the Seal Team Six helicopter crash, were not coincidental. However: just like a father who ignores his child when he/she screams ” I hate you.” God, the father of us all, lifted the curtain of deceit using the tenant in one of the rental properties the crime family owned. Apparently smashed hard drives and other paraphernalia were found. Suddenly, right before the Awan great escape the FBI was contacted. So, it looks like even though we have thrown Ha Shem (G0d) “under the bus” He won’t abandon us and maybe give us the chance to once again become a country that believes in Him and return to be the leader of the free world.

Lashon Hara or A Wicked Tongue

Our country is on fire and it looks like gasoline is being poured on  daily.  The animosity and lies against President Trump infects our country and  unfortunately the poison even affected my own home.  After the tragic and despicable shooting of  Representative Scalise I decided to reframe the hatred: to put the argument in non political language.  The Lefty self hating Jews are going to scream even louder, but  it looks like they slept during Hebrew school and never learned that gossiping, spreading lies, and  defamatory speech is against our religion. The taboo of  lashon hara, or having an evil tongue; is written in our Torah more than thirty times and is the reason Miriam, Moses’s sister, was afflicted with leprosy as well as the Israelites forty year march in the desert.

The law doesn’t just apply to Jews. As anyone who is a true Christian will admit, Jesus was a Jew. Living in the South for many years, I learned that many bible based Christian religions study the “Old Testament” as well as the New Testament. The religious ethos of Christianity  is built on the laws of Judaism. As a matter of fact, the great and famous rabbi Hillel stated “Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you,” while Jesus was growing up. Sound familiar? The point is, since we’re still a  Judeo- Christian country, isn’t it time to examine our behavior?

People my age grew up with  the platitude ” Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.”  Judaism teaches the polar opposite. As a matter of fact, we beg G-d’s forgiveness for the sins of improper speech more than a dozen times during our Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur.  We are taught that the tongue (lashon) can be used as a weapon to destroy someone’s life.  The ramification of this can be read in the news and seen on TV every day. The domino effect of rumors, gossip, and plain malicious language has turned  hatred into a political tool.  This shouldn’t be surprising since we have seen since the 1970’s how  Fatah and Hamas rev up its base with hate speech  against Israel . Invoking malicious and incendiary lies for political gain always ends in mayhem and murder as we saw in the assassination attempt at the Congressional baseball game.

We live in country that guarantees  our freedom of speech and individual freedom. That gives us the right to disagree and have different opinions about our government and politicians. It doesn’t give us the right to ruin peoples reputations.One doesn’t have to be a psychologist to understand that human beings have different opinions and tastes. Some people prefer chocolate, others vanilla, and some dislike ice cream entirely.  Let’s stick to the issues, debate the issues, and forget lashon  hara before we see more violence and destruction.

Who’s “Unfit” To President ?


According to our  president and seconded by our media someone is unfit to be president – and it’s not   crooked Hillary.

It’s very scarey how much art imitates life or is it life imitating art? I’m writing this as I’m watching the updated ” Manchurian Candidate”( 2004) with Meryl Streep as the nefarious and coldly calculating Eleanor Shaw. Her portrayal eerily reminds me of the nefarious and coldly calculating Hillary Clinton. For those who aren’t familiar with the original story, it’s about  POWs who have been brainwashed by the enemy to destroy our country.  Powell is the former senator’s wife  who betrays her son, his squad, and her country.  Of course she and her cronies have the media’s ear so everyone believes them and the victimized truthteller is set up as the crazy. Sound familiar? The last scene shows  a government techie sitting at the computer changing the actual killer of the Powells to someone who had nothing to do with it in order to frame the narrative. Or was it to frame the people?

Our respected media,  the “fourth estate,” has an obligation to the citizens of this country. They have betrayed  the freedom granted them in the Bill of Rights and unofficially became another arm of the government. And, just like our government,  has taken a turn to the dark side.  We rely on the media for truth so that we know what our bloated obscene government is doing; instead, it  feeds us lie after lie.

Any time I turn the TV on Foxnews these days I hear how crooked, lying Hillary is  vanquishing the “unfit”Donald Trump in the polls, In one day she was up 15 points! We’re supposed to believe that the woman who needed Wasserman Schmutz  Schultz to rig the primary election against a  card carrying Socialist is suddenly mesmerizing the whole country. In conjunction with the poll numbers, last week a  gentleman overheard a conversation my friends and I were having and asked if  we had ever been called for a poll. None of us were. None of us even knew anyone who had been called.  It was a reminder that

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton

THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE, Meryl Streep, 2004, (c) Paramount

THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE, Meryl Streep, 2004, (c) Paramount

I actually had experience with exit polls. I  had done one in Georgia in 1996,but I refused to do it for the 2000 election, on the grounds that it was totally unethical. Whoever I was dealing with offered me more money, I repeated the word unethical and then just hung up. As  the photo shows democrats and republicans get asked different questions. So  as these examples show,  polls can be rigged to show whatever the poll company or party  desires. New Doc 3_2(or pays for)

The problem for “we the people” is that we can’t trust the media. The ‘journalists” apparently like being in an elite club more than they like delivering the real news.  While Hillary has decades of corrupt behavior, dead bodies, and a nasty temper to boot, the media focus on some joke that Trump made. Even though Hillary is responsible for much of what set America on a third world trajectory, the public hears incessant name calling at a man who was a private citizen until this presidential race. He understands the Byzantine rules and corruption of our political class because in order to get anything done, he had to kiss the right butts and jump through the same hoops that the rest of us do.

Unfit for the presidency? How about a woman who has a Muslim Brotherhood surrogate as her main assistant? How about someone who set up a play for pay scheme with some of the most anti- Western countries in the world? How about someone who is endorsed by Communists USA and was so negligent as Secretary of State  that four men were murdered. For me there’s only one person unfit for the presidency- and that’s Hillary Clinton.

Israel: A G Rated Country

Makote- the Israeli beachgame

Makote- the Israeli beach game



Many readers have wondered why I haven’t written for a while.  Simple, I reached my saturation point  writing about the unrelenting lies and abuses of our government. Luckily, I visited my daughter in Israel  for a few weeks and was able to recharge.  Ironically, the tiny country  was calm and peaceful, even after Arab terrorists murdered innocents including a young girl sleeping in her bed. The reason? They know who the enemy is, name it, and deal with it. Or, maybe, as my daughter told me when I asked her why she was moving there, it’s a G rated country

The true face of the IDF

The true face of the IDF

Even though modern Israel is only 68 years young, its accomplishments, beauty, and historical sites are world class and enviable; however,my daughter was specifically talking about the people and culture. Everywhere, except Tel Aviv (the New York City of Israel) around 3:00 on Fridays shops close up, mothers and grandmothers finish their shopping and start cooking for the Sabbath. Soldiers go home to their families, and if someone is a “lone soldier” he/she will be invited to someone’s home for the Sabbath. As I joked to my daughter after hearing so many young, masculune men talking to their “imas” or mothers on the phone, the most ferocious army in the world is a bunch of mommas’ boys!

I left Israel in 1980 when my home and business were taken as part of the  Israel-Egypt Peace Accord. I had only gone back once in thirty years, and that was only for a wedding.   The progress I have seen in the country is no less than miraculous. Thirty years ago it took  months to get a landline telephone. Now Israel is branded as one of the top tech sectors in the world. Unlike the incessant negative propaganda, Arab-Israelis  are part of the innovation and even created the world’s smallest computer. here Thirty years ago It was impossible to get a decent piece of red meat. Now, my daughter and I ate  hamburgers that would put my local diner to shame.

My daughter has a Christian Arab friend and out of curiosity asked him how he was treated differently by the government. She was surprised by his answer.  After thinking about it, he answered that he didn’t have to serve in the army.  Interestingly, there has been a surge in Arab Israelis to enlist in the IDF. here  That doesn’t sound like apartheid to me. Apartheid is a system of laws that keep the races separate.  In Israel’s case it would mean keeping people of different religious faiths legally separated. Instead, all religions including Bahai and Druze live peacefully. The call to prayer from Muslim mosques can be heard in all parts of the country.

My biggest complaint is the confusing signage on the roads. Speaking of signage, one would think that in a country practicing apartheid, signs would only be written in Hebrew. Wrong; all signs are written in Hebrew, Arabic and English. If a country is  practicing apartheid would the beaches be open to all? My family and I went swimming at the beach in Haifa, right next to Arab families with women  covered from top to bottom in their body covering wetsuits.

All in all my trip was rejuvenating. Hiking and exploring the countryside is a national pastime. The variation in topography from the greenery of the northern hills to the stark Judean desert provides a sensory feast. The  different species of plants and flowers found everywhere is astounding. So I guess my daughter is right.  It’s a G rated country: G-d’s country.