Monday, November 3, 2014( the Jewish year 5775) the Supreme Court of the United States heard arguments about whether Israel should be stamped on passports for American citizens born in Jerusalem. According to the Jerusalem Post the breakdown is probably, as usual, four justices voting against, with the tie broken by Kennedy. Three of those four are Jews or as I stated in a former post here just Jew-ish. They are of the same communist lite thinking that goes against all the beliefs of Judaism. Apparently, in their much vaunted status and hyper intelligence, they have forgotten or disregarded Kerensky, Trotsky, and many other high ranking Jews murdered in order to promulagate Communism and the rise of its dictators. If these Jewish anti- Semites win, there is no other word to describe their decision except the Yiddish word shanda,or shame, on them.
Our media propaganda machine: constantly vomits out Palestinian lies and distortions while our State Department swallows its swill Many people are unaware that Foggy Bottom has a long history of siding with Arabs. We should be thankful our Congress takes the moral high ground by siding with Israel. To be clear: The Muslims have no viable historical claim to Jerusalem. It is, and always will be the eternal capital of Israel, as claimed by King David around 1000 BCE. Jeff Dunetz writer of The Lid here cites a paper by Rifka Fishman-Duka ennumerating Greek and Roman sources from the third century BCE-third century CE mentioning Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish country, Israel. Although it was lost to conquering armies, it was miraculously regained twice. including the 1967 War started by five Arab countries.
Our Congress signed a 2002 US law requiring that “Jerusalem, Israel” be placed on passports. The executive branch enforces laws. The State part of the executive Branch. The bureaucrats decided not to follow the law.
This snafu started with President George W. Bush, who signed the law, but said it interfered with his responsibility to direct foreign affairs. It is clear that our current president believes the same, based on the arguments of Mr. Varelli who is representing the executive branch. He had the audacity to compare Jerusalem being the capital of Israel to recognizing Crimea as legally part of Russia. I hope the justices know that the Russians rolled tanks into Crimea and stole it like an armed thief. while international law recognizes the Jewsih national home as stated in the Balfour Declation in San Remo in 1921.