The New Maccabees

When Jews sit down to the annual seder we read words that we are supposed to remember. “In every generation there will be those who rise up and try to destroy us.” For some illogical reason, even though we are presented with the undeniable evidence generation after generation, we ignore this truth and it then becomes a preventable tragedy.

Only a few years before I was a born, my father fought the Nazis and saw the nightmare with his own eyes when he marched with the American army into Dachau. The genocide became even more personal when I married into a survivor family. Although my in-laws survived the Holocaust, they lived the rest of their lives with the memories of unspeakable terror and horror. One would think that the next generation would take the painful lessons of history seriously. But no, we have the oh -so brilliant leftist Jews driving their own suicide train.

Since 1991 Alan Bergstein has been on the front lines warning the Jewish sheep of this virtual suicide. Watch this video taken outside the synagogue where Susan Rice was speaking. This is how he was treated when he tried to enter the Democrat controlled synagogue in Boca Raton. Other courageous men, like Stanley Tate, are following in his footsteps. These gentlemen, and others like them are true heroes. They are the Maccabees of our generation, the ones who are fighting the liberal powers that be for freedom and the ones that history will remember. Please watch this shameful video.

A Jewish American Princess?

Shit Jewish Girls Say ‘Inquiring minds want to know.’ Has Dani Gilbert, the one of the revolting ‘Jewbags’ exclamation who was photographed kissing a bill of undetermined denomination, ever kissed a mezuzah or the Torah? Maybe she has, but I’d bet not with the sheer exuberance of kissing that money. The infamous photo and that disgusting name for Jewish donations by her clique of like-minded Jewish “princesses” demonstrates not only her crassness but the poor judgment of the head of the DNC and representative of Florida’s District 20 in Florida, Debbie Wasserman Schultz. I’m sure, however, that the fact that Ms. Gilbert’s parents are big Democrat bundlers had something to do with her appointment as Jewish Outreach liaison. Most certainly she was not appointed for her character. Remember, according to the Democrats it’s the big bad Republicans- especially conservatives, who are focused on making and taking money- especially yours.
To be honest, I have to admit that what bothers me the most is that she’s a typical Jewish American Princess. She’s one oF the JAPS who give us Jewish girls a bad name. It’s time to change our brand. I’m on a mission to redefine JAP from the sterotypical spoiled Jewish American Princess to the honorable Jewish American Patriots who have contributed so much to the events and innovations in the country we love.

The Hysteria Over Trayvon Martin

Does anyone remember the Richard Jewell case?
[slider] He was the innocent man accused, tried, and found guilty of planting a bomb, mutilating 111 people and killing two black children at the 1996 Olympics. Oh, that’s right. Once the facts were known he wasn’t even arrested.  Although he unfortunately endured years of harrassment and defamation.  Here are his own words, “I am not the Olympic Park bomber,” Jewell told reporters after being  cleared of all charges . “I am a man who has lived 88 days afraid of being arrested for a  crime I did not commit.”

How about the all white Duke lacrosse team? The whole team was decreed guilty pronounced guilty of gang raping a young black stripper.  If you remember, it turned out that she was an off- balanced prosititute with a shady past who made up the  lurid story. So again, not guilty. but not before  the innocent team members names were dragged throught the mud each and everyday. This doesn’t take into account their loved ones being harassed and humiliated by the  nonstop public trial waged by the media.

These tried- in -the- press cases don’t take into account the race baiters and race whores like The  Reverand Al Sharpton, who  honed his trade  under the inimitable promotor Don King.  The good Reverand Al jump -started his career as the advisor in the fraudulant Tawana Brawley case. Since the media consciously portray him as someone with stirling credentials  it’s  important to recall Tawana Brawley. This infamous case involved a 15 year old girl  who claimed six men, including policemen and the district attorney, raped and tortured her.  It turned out the grand jury believed it was bogus. How about  Jesse Jackson? He became a leader in the race business by perfecting the use of boycotts and strong arming to get what he wanted from Big Business.+



Now we have another media feeding frenzy prosecuting George Zimmerman. This shouldn’t be surprising because a clear pattern has been detected of an overzealous media in cahoots with the powers that be that has targeted and then castrated the white male.

Unfortunately, it looks like once again the plan went awry the Blaze printed an interview with a witness who swore that Zimmerman was a victim of Martin’s aggresion. Here is the link:

We are being manipulated. The question is, ” Why?”



Derrick Bell: Only One of Many

The original Black Panthers

Derrick Bell: Only One of Many


The controversy surrounding Obama and one of his mentors, Derrick Bell, reminded me of an article and memo that teachers at one of the DeKalb County, Georgia schools found in their mailboxes one morning in 1991. How do I remember the year? I didn’t have to. At the time, it struck me as so despicable, I saved it hoping that one day it would come in handy. Here is the memo. I found it in my files.


March 14, 1991

Memo to:Faculty and Staff


Regarding Student Behavior

Since most of our behavior problems are from our boys, I am

offering the attached chapter from Countering the Conspiracy

to Destroy Black Boys, Vol II by Kawanza Kunjufu as food for

thought. Hopefully, some of his information will help us to

curve; if not change, some inappropriate behaviors from


As professionals, it is our duty t.o inspire and motivate …

The first thing I did was check out the author Kawanza Kunjufu. Surprise!

His book is still in print and he’s apparently an “education expert.” Please note, the principal who sent this  memo made two mistakes. Firstly, the author’s name is Jawanza, not Kawanza. The other mistake is more blatant, but I’ll assume that you found it yourself. Remember, this was written by the principal of the school!

I’m not going to include the whole chapter, but this is an example of the philosophy from the original.


When you teach Black boys, what do you see? Earlier I made

reference to Jesse Jackson or a drug addict. Whatever you see will

be what you produce. Do you have the same expectations for Renee

and the defiant Black boy? Research has shown that not only are expectations

the major factor in student achievement, but even within

the same classroom, teachers have different levels of expectations.

The Teacher Expectations Student Achievement (TESA) model is an

excellent tool to evaluate consistency.


Next, here is an example of a “lesson.”


A sample lesson plan

Concept: All people are alike and different in many ways.

Performance: The child will be able to identify other people who are

similar to him in the dimensions of race, sex, and age.

Materials: Pictures-Black ABC’s

Filmstrips-Getting to Know Me

Books-Colors Around Me

Procedure: Motivation-Teacher shows class various pictures of

Black children.

U- Tell me everything you can about this picture. (The

objective is to use Black children’s oral strength and

cultural heritage to stimulate further cognition.)

S- Tell me what color of skin this child has.

Tell me what color the child’s eyes are.

Tell me something about the child’s hair.

1- Class, these are pictures of Black children. Why do we

call them Black children? How many of us think these

children look like you?

There are lots of skin colors that little Black children


Have them draw a picture of themselves.

S- Tell me what color of skin this child has.

Tell me what color his eyes are.

Tell me something about this child’s hair.

P- My name is _

I am years old.

My eyes are _

My hair is _

I belong to the race

I am a (boy/girl)

U- Tell me everything you can about this picture.


      I had to deal with students, only in fourth grade, who vehemently declared that they hated white people. ERgo, they had no interest in learning in the ” white man’s school”

At that time, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing in front of my eyes. I never would have believed that there were human beings who couldn’t care less about learning.  I still remember standing in front of my first class and having an epiphany. I experienced a physical reaction, like feeling glass shards pierce my body. It was like stepping through a sheet of glass to a reality which was very different than what I had been taught. If, by a miracle,, there were a few students who wanted to learn, they ended up with A’s because that was what the administration demanded. The lowest grade allowed to go on a report card was a C. Any grade that was actually based on reality was questioned and the teacher was blamed for the child’s failure.  Remember, this was disseminated in 1991- twenty one years ago. I guess the educational system is the mess it is because we didn;t follow Mr Kunjufu’s advice or did we?