About Pamela

I have been around the block more than a few times and I see the streets getting dirtier and dirtier. I left the country in 1973 and moved to Israel. There, I became a founding settler of Yamit, and became a victim of the first catastrophic mistake of swapping land for "peace. I have a masters degree in psychology and am an autism professional. My book Love and Betrayl can be found on Amazon and at iuniverse.

Nazis,Communists,and Muslims-Oh My

This weekend I happened to catch Katherine Timpf on the Howard Kurtz show. The discussion was about General Flynn and his “lies” to the FBI. I didn’t catch all of it, but the  show ended with the Libertarian Timpf looking at the camera saying , “Don’t lie to the FBI.” I almost choked on the water I was drinking. Maybe she was  being sarcastic, but she didn’t sound like it. It was the wrong message to send to the public.  Instead,it is time for the citizens of this country to take a good hard look at the “elites” of our country and then act accordingly.

Our FBI is not sacrosanct. We have found out that it is an organization made of human scum and excrement. It truly is a product of the  Washington  sewer. According to this quotation from the mass murderer Joseph Stalin, we are already there.I can’t give an exact time period when we became a nation of liars, hypocrites, and plain old nogoodniks, but it didn’t start with the  Chinese flu and our “elites” pandering to them. Maybe it was when our government decided it would take in Nazi scientists in “Operation Paperclip.”

One of our secret agencies , the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency, brought in over 1000 Nazi  scientists, engineers, and technicians.  Progressive Democrat Henry Wallace was commerce secretary and got Truman to sign off on it because, ” It’s the only reparations we’re likely to get.” I remember Werner von Braun doing a show about rockets for the Mickey Mouse Club in the late 50’s. Maybe he fell in love with our way of life and turned out to be an American patriot. But, I seriously doubt Hitler’s favorite chemist, Otto Ambros, did. He ran a rubber and nerve gas slave camp at AushwitzIII-Monowitz  and was found guilty at Nuremberg.  Apparently  we needed him so badly we dropped the charges and opened our arms to him. Like magic, all these Nazis stopped Heiling Hitler and started singing God Bless America.

Then , of course, our secret love affair with  Communists.  It didn’t start with the Chinese flu factories. Henry Kissinger, the former Secretary of State, who designed the Nixon-China  policy that we adhere to today Mr. Kissinger apparently loved Mao, who murdered tens of  millions, and believed that Americans should subordinate their own principles to achieve world peace and abandon Taiwan. This philosophy grew into our “elites”abandoning  their own country for their love of money and their Chinese comrades. How can we forget the special Christmas ornaments of Mao on the White House tree during the Obama years?

And how about the all the Communists that have been employed in our government like Alger Hiss? Hiss was in the upper echelon of government  during the FDR years. He was appointed as the first  secretary of the UN, and then it  was proven that he worked for the Russians. And Henry Hopkins, who lived in the White House like the Val Gal did.   Was he the one who gave Stalin the nickname “Uncle Joe?”  Walter Duranty, a New York Times reporter won a Pulitzer on his Russian reporting and just eliminated anything that would make Russia look bad.

I could go on and on, ending with John Brennan, who is  either a Communist or Muslim or both. Our universities take in so many Chinese student- spies, but refuse to accept our native born Asian students. Yes, our government  appears to have a love affair with bad boys- Nazis, Communists, and Muslims-Oh My!

Operation Paperclip


No More USA

The corona virus finally put the last nail in the coffin of the corpse of the USA. How do I know? I live in a beach community, with at least four parks  within my neighborhood and they are all closed; locked tight with many having police guarding the open air fortresses.  I was elated  when Governor DeSantis announced that beaches could be open. Media published  photos of  happy people, walking and playing on Jacksonville beach. I foolishly thought we’d be next. As of today,the third day after the announcement, we are still locked out of the parks and beaches that  are paid for by our property taxes.

My adult son commented, ” Since when does the government care about grandmas and grandpas?”  I’ll add to that. Since when do many of us care about a grandma or grandpa who has become fragile with age?  I know because my 92 year old mother tells me about friends whose children haven’t visited for five years, and  people stuck in assisted living because their adult children couldn’t be bothered with them. I’m not talking about hospice, alzheimer’s, and other terrible diseases that need professionals round the clock. I’m talking about  normal aging. Besides, I work in the public schools.  Children come to school with green mucus dripping from their noses. They cough all over their desks, books , and sometimes us. There’s been times when a student throws up on the floor, or has a fever. When parents are called to pick sick children up, often they’d rather argue  and give ridiculous reasons not to. Suddenly we’re terrified of getting sick?

I,for one, am very disappointed and angry at people who report friends and neighbors who choose not to wear a mask n the street. Has the media scared them so much that they would rather be labeled a “rat” than stay friends with their next door neighbor?  My family and I took a drive through the former business section of our town. Usually at that time of day it’s bustling.  It’s all small businesses, restaurants, bars, and specialty stores.  It was dead. Seeing this desecration was terrible. Snake Plissken would have felt at home hiding behind one of those doors.The Nazis used these tactics and the communists still use them today. Maybe they haven’t even watched enough Mafia movies to know in America” rats” get shived in jail.

My husband reminded me at I  became physically ill years ago when it was announced that Bill Clinton sold nuclear  secrets to  China.  It was at that moment I knew our president was a traitor and I “took to my bed.” It should be shocking that  Mr. Murphy, the  governor of New Jersey, didn’t think about the Bill of Rights when he gave a “stay at home” order. But, it’s not;  most  people don’t  know  that governors swear  to  uphold the Constitution. They never learned it in our public schools.  The smug arrogance of Pelosi and Co. calling the constitutionally  permitted protests dangerous, the closings  and arrests at churches, and the mandatory shuttered  businesses tell me that the 243 year old experiment in freedom is now over. There is no more USA .The one question I have is, will they allow my husband and I take our cat and three birds to the reeducation camp?

paintings by Leviticus



No More Laughter

The propaganda arm of the Left is still crying about Dave Chappelle’s comedy special, “Sticks and Stones.” They demand that there is to  be no more laughter in the United States. We are supposed to just grit our teeth and follow their ridiculous pronouncements and word games by hanging our heads, apologizing, and then following their road map to hell. Our so called betters must never have heard the old adage, ” Laughter is the best medicine.”

While my family was vacationing together a  couple of years ago  I  happened to find a Sebastian Maniscalco  comedy bit on YouTube. It was about the difference from answering a knock on the door today and twenty years ago. It was hilarious .  I showed it to my son after dinner.  I could have sent him the link but I love to see him laugh. He’s the serious sort, he doesn’t laugh often, but when he does; it comes from his soul and it makes me happy. It also brought us together.

Strange as it might seem for a holy book, the word laughter is written in the Torah- not once but many times. Jews believe that every word in theTorah is kadosh or holy. To me, that means that laughter  is important for the human spirit. Therefore, for the looney and dangerous Left it must be eradicated. For us “normals” as Kurt Schlicter calls us, laughter is as important as breathing.

I always found it interesting that the name of one of the three founding fathers of Judaism , Isaac or in Hebrew Izchak, literally means will laugh. His mother, Sarah, laughed, when she overheard that she would have a child at the age of ninety. When her even older husband, Avraham, got the news he prostrated himself and laughed with joy. We are taught that when the messiah comes laughter will replace the current world of  despondency, despair, scorn and all negativity. Maybe that’s why the Left hates it.

According to the politically correct police, laughter is no longer allowed. Why? Is it because we laugh at the ridiculous, ironic, and just plain foolish. My former husband was an alcoholic  and son of two Holocaust survivors. There were many dark days between us, but he also had a great sense of humor. Laughter became the bandage for our marriage. It couldn’t hold it together forever, but it’s among the reasons I have a soft spot for him.

At one time in my life I did some stand up comedy in Atlanta.  I got some laughs and learned it is an amazing  and powerful feeling to be able to make people laugh. Laughter is so potent I  even heard a famous comedian say something like, “You have them forever.” As a society we take life very seriously.  We don’t have many laughs at work, the world is dangerous, and then we run home to our responsibilities there. Having a good laugh is a physical response to the stress and anxiety of everyday life. Laughing together can bring rivals  together momentarily. Sharing a laugh brings us together as a group; even when everyone doesn’t agree.


In my opinion, Mel Brooks is one of the all time great comics.  I read that he had a hard time getting his classic movie and Broadway hit the The Producers  into production because the powers that be were afraid no one would laugh at Nazis dancing. Wrong- we’re still laughing.  We’ve laughed at every  tasteless joke and will continue even when the bad guys come after our guns. I came up with a joke this morning after I read , “At the G7  Trump called  Egyptian President Sisi his favorite dictator.” My punchline would be, “No one there asked, wasn’t  Kim Jong Un jealous?” Instead, of laughing our “elite” propagandists are going to say this proves our president is a fascist, racist, dictator hater. Our elite is so pitiful that if their paymasters and overseers told them Brawndo was a great substitute for water  they’d  have their favorite illegal water the lawn with  it- just kidding!

Twins of Hate

Palestinian twin flag

Yesterday I watched the terrific Netflix movie Red Sea Diving Resort. It’s a historical drama about the Israeli rescue of the Falasha, or Ethiopian Jews. I suggest that our four esteemed, but anti-Semitic, members of Congress and the many  other Jew haters watch it. They would see the danger and turmoil the white Israeli Jews put themselves in to rescue black Ethiopian Jews from the horrors  of torture, beatings, and even mass murders their “black brothers” perpetrated.  All I kept thinking was. how can that be when the media tells us that racism is only about Caucasions hating  African-Americans?

I know we are told by the socialist/communist/democrat complex that we just have to forget history, but as a Jew I can’t. Every Passover we read the story of the Exodus and read the words ” in every generation they rise up against us to destroy us.” Oops! Once again  we, unfortunately,  live those words. Our  “elite” have apparently made a deal with the devil Muslim Brotherhood and its various subsidiaries like CAIR. The distinguished Ms. Omar- Elmi was nursed on the poison of anti- Semitism in her slice of hell heaven, Somalia. In addition, according to David Steinberg’s research, her father was a VIP with the Muslim pro- Marxist dictaorship of  the warlord Baare who massacred thousands.

Jew hatred is the fuel for both the Lefties and the Muslims. Since the Lefties don’t believe in history, I’ll let them in on a secret.  Once  your Muslim BFFs have used you, you will be next. A Green/ Red coalition is how Khomeni took  over Persia, and a modern country suddenly regressed into a primitive hellhole. Once the fanatical Muslims took power the black robed  dictator called , ” Off with his head, ” and suddenly the Muslim BFFs were hanging from lampposts. Unfortunately, our State department and many other bureaucrats are Arabists and even Muslims themselves. Let’s not forget, the way our DOJ appears to have done, the Pakistani Muslim Awan  Democrat  “IT Go To guy.”  We’ll never know the extent of the damage he perpetrated on this country.

Years ago Menachem Begin,  the prime minister of Israel, signed an historical peace treaty with  Egypt. Israel gave up Yamit. a  developing city, and the entire Sinai. For  his courage to stand for peace the leader of Egypt, Anwar Sadat, was assassinated by the fanatical Muslim Brotherhood. Israel and Egypt mourned. The Fatwa was signed by  the same blind shiek who signed the fatwa for the 1993  World Trade Center bombing. Unfortunately, the distinguished and many times married Ms. Omar Elmi Omar is the Muslim Brotherhood darling.


As a Jew I have rachmunus ( compassion) for my fellow Jews who believe all the Lefty tripe and point to the big Lefty Jews like Bernie Sanders and the millionaire Jewish guru Marianne Williamson who will  be shocked and incredulous when their Muslim allies  turn on them. If our #Metoo generation read history they would learn that Lebanon used to be called “the Paris of the East” when it was a Christian country, Syria was the cradle of Christianity, and Egypt was the center for Copt Christians. The list goes on and on. The Muslim Brothrhood is outlawed in Egypt,Saudi Arabia, and the UAE and it should be outlawed here too. For over a thousand years Muslim politcal/religious jihad has been to take over every country any way  it can. The goal is to triump over ” The Big Satan” – that’s the USA and the ” The Little Satan”-that’s Israel.

Muslims and their sidekick Lefty friends use anti-Semitism as the glue that binds them together. The Mufti of Jerusalem was an ally of Hitler, just two anti- Semitic buddies who murder Jews. To fanatical Muslims and their lefty  bitches, Jews present a real problem.  As long as they live G-d  and G-d’s morality live. Without Jews the twins of hate rule and Satan smiles.