An Exceptional Country


Some people don’t think this Is an exceptional country.  Our president certainly doesn’t think so.   “ I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism.” Many people aren’t aware that  one of the dictionary definitions is “being physically or especially mentally disabled.

to an extent that special schooling is required” so how can we not be? As an ESE (exceptional student education) teacher for many years, I contend that  our country now fits this secondary definition because so many decisions, laws, and  opinions  make no rational sense to someone who isn’t mentally challenged.

The trillions of dollars of debt, porous borders, inviting illegal immigrants, and scandals too numerous to even mention because “what difference at this point would it make?” is the tip of the iceberg. How about the latest  depravity? In just one week alone we had not one, but two, supercilious women from Planned Parenthood nonchalantly discussing selling body parts of aborted babies over lunch. Suddenly the phrase “the ladies who lunch” was given a new meaning. To middle America, who some call “crazies,” it was stomach turning. To the MSM It was a blip in the news. Most of the candidates, except for Carly Fiorina, didn’t even mention it. Every rational human being should have a visceral reaction to this cold bloodied and inhumane practice. Otherwise, he or she is surely evil or perhaps just exceptional.

Then we have the shameful tragedy, when five unarmed military men were murdered in cold blood by a jihadi in Chattanooga. Our president, who flew the rainbow flag to celebrate historical insanity, didn’t fly the American flag at half- mast until public criticism and pressure forced him to acknowledge the tragedy  five days  after a ttrip to New York  to see a Broadway show. One might say that is something an exceptional person might do, instead of honoring our unarmed soldiers  who  were targeted by  bloodthirsty barbarians in an exceptional gun free zone. To demonstrate true exceptionality, the Empire State building was  liit  green to show respect for the end of the Muslim holiday, Ramadan, right after the Muslim jihadi perp massacred our soldiers. Of course being the exceptional country we are, the FBI has over 1000 people working on this case to figure out the motive of the latest Mohammed who slaughtered Americans, but against all  commonsense they refuse to call it terrorism.

Last, but not the least, is the suicidal deal with Iran. Obama, Kerry and company went head to head with smirking Persians, whose culture was negotiating deals before Jesus walked on the Galilee. Khamenei is busy planning how many missiles 150 700 billion dollars will buy while his subjects chant, ” Death to America.”. Even though Prime Minister Netanyahu  warned  that no deal is better than a bad deal,  President Barack Hussein Obama and his minions chastised him and proceeded to stab their own country and its people in the back, betrayed their allies in the region, and ensured that murder and mayhem will reign.  I’m sure that has nothing to do with Muslim Brotherhood members  and synpathizers being part of the government’s inner circle. If all that insanity isn’t exceptional what is?    

Donald Trump Is Right

gay-prideIndendence Day was a time to seriously examine where we are as a country and as individuals. Donald Trump is right. We have to start calling all the propaganda and race baiting what it is –lies and not back down. The shrill cries of racism are absurd. Our mulatto president was elected by the people of this country: Black, White, Asian and Hispanic  He took an oath that stated:

“  I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

He has not done that at all. Instead, he has done exactly what he promised.  He has basically transformed this country into a hellhole that is unrecognizable to those of us who grew up at a time when public schools started the day with a psalm or the Lord’s Prayer. Guess what? As a little Jewish girl it didn’t hurt me! It was understood that this was a Christian country. When I was older, and became more inquisitive, I learned about the connection between Jews and Christians and the blessings we have had in this country. However; once we decide that we don’t need or honor Ha Shem (G-d) we invite horrendous trouble.

In the book When a Nation Forgets God Edwin Lutzer discusses how Hitler used legal means to stifle and control the churches. Laws were passed to dismiss Christianity as a thorn in the side of Hitler’s socialist nightmare. Religion was dismissed as a duty to do on Sunday and Jews were declared subhuman. According to the new laws, a civilized country became hell and respected men, concerned  only with the economy, signed on. The words peace, tolerance, and freedom were used to pacify the masses, but the meanings no longer meant anything.

How are those tactics any different today? Our Torah (the Old Testament) tells us that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel and that homosexuality is an abomination. Our Supreme Court decided differently. We are now ordered to accept marriages of two men or two women as normal in order to be “tolerant.” That means they can also adopt or buy children to create a family; even though adult children of gay couples filed a brief in the 5th circuit court against legalizing gay marriage. It outlines the problems children have being in an atmosphere when both parents are of the same sex. I can attest to this because as a divorced parent I can see some of those problems in my own adult children who basically grew up without a father.

Somewhere over the rainbow the fat lady is rehearsing for her appearance on stage. If we’re very still, we can hear her above the belligerent catcalls of racism and hate leveled at anyone who dares to expose the Left, their detestable tactics, and their endgame of our destruction. In order to keep our sanity, we continue with our lives and discount bad Supreme Court decisions as just  because they don’t affect us personally. Au contraire; the recent SCOTUS decision about gay marriage is the final nail in the coffin of the USA. Just like accepting illegal immigrants, the normalization of gay marriage will unravel the Judeo Christian philosophy of this country and we will pay the price. It’s time to remember the words of our Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.:      

 rainbow flag – Bing Images


The Three Jewish Quislings

f _the_ JewsimagesI’m sure you’ve heard of  The Three Tenors, The Three Stooges, and the Three Little Pigs.  How about the The Three Jewish Quislings? No? You might not realize it, because they normally go by the names of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Elena Kagan, and Stephen Breyer.  These are the three Jews that decided that Jerusalem is not the capital of Israel- even when they weren’t asked.

The anti- Jewish Supreme Court decision was decided along a 6-3 line. The three Jewish justices fell right in line with the anti- Semitic Arabist State Department and our imperious Jew-hating president. Chief Judge John Roberts wrote, “Today’s decision is a first. Never before has this Court accepted a President’s direct defiance of an Act of Congress in the field of foreign affairs.” Our  elite and untouchable court Jews defied logic, stood against our Congress, and the sovereign country of Israel.

For the second time this case was brought in front of the Supreme Court because the Zinotovsky parents wanted their son, Menachem’s passport to list Jerusalem, Israel as his place of birth and not just Jerusalem. The rationale was that the American Congress had passed a law in 2002 directing the State Department to do so for anyone born in Jerusalem who requested it. The State Department refused. The arguments used by Mr Varelli, who represented the government, were specious but the Three Jewish Quislings accepted the State department rationale with not a moment of that famous Jewish guilt.

Jerusalem, eternal capital of Israel, is up for grabs according to those in power and they’ve chosen sides. The ignorant wise Latina Senorita Sotomayor added,“How could you tell me it’s not a lie? You, the United States, are being asked to put on the passport that you believe the place of birth of this individual is Israel, and … the executive has said, no, we don’t think it was Israel, we think it was Jerusalem.”

Any Jew who is still sleepwalking through the dire political mines that are set up everywhere  better wake up…and fast. Last week ZStreet got good news about its lawsuit against the IRS. The bad news is that the IRS admitted, “these cases are being sent to a special unit in the D.C. office to determine whether the organization’s activities contradict the Administration’s public policies.” This demonstrated that a pro-Israel organization was definitely targeted. Lori Lowenthal Marcus deserves our respect for fiercely defending the right for her organization (and other pro  Israel organizations)

The good, the bad and the ugly

How about the publicity leaks from the new Michael Oren book Ally? If there were still any doubt that this administration has been inordinately hostile to Israel, this accounting of Mr. Oren’s time as Israel’s ambassador chronicles all the left wing Jews and their deleterious presence in the Obama administration.

Last, but certainly not least, is the negative press and constant smearing of  Pamela Geller, who stands courageously steadfast against the Shariah and the jihadist who swear to destroy America, Israel, and her! Instead of every Federation and Jewish organization, like AIPAC, standing with a Jewish heroine they stand with our enemies just like the commies of Jewish heritage stood with Stalin and the enemies of G-d and freedom. Someday Ms. Geller will be honored in the pantheon of  Jewish women, like Deborah and Esther, but now the cowards, traitors, and haters  clamor for BDS, Geller’s head, and the destruction of Israel.

Our history is filled with heroes as well as traitors. Even when members of our own tribe  work against us, Jews  are commanded not to hate.  Disgusting attacks and lies come from the enemies of  Israell daily.  Rashi states that the enemies of Jews are actually the enemies of G-d. Observing the Lefties, who choose to call themselves Jews, I have to agree.  As I  watch our three Jewish justices  go down in history as the three justices who sold their souls, and the soul of America, for a mess of pottage  I  refuse  to hate them. Instead, I’ll cry for them and our country, and pray that G-d has mercy on us all.

Pamela Geller: American Heroine

“O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave” is a line in our national anthem.  We sing it at every athletic event, political rally, and school function; but if words still mean something, then I contend that we are now neither free nor brave. When “conservative” pundits denigrated Pamela  Geller, claiming her Free Speech Event  was provocation and that it would  undermine the relationship with our Middle East allies I had to shake my head incredulously .” Provocation” turned out to be the insulting term de jour chosen by many to vilify Geller, Spencer, Fawstin and the other brave freedom lovers in Garland, Texas.  Instead of insulting her motivations and character every journalist and pundit should be calling her an American heroine.

After the attacks on cartoonist Westergaard  in Norway, the death threats against Mollie Norris, and of course the horrendous Charlie Hebdo slaughter the  American Freedom Defense Iniitiative took a stand for freedom of speech; one of the most fundamental American values.  Laura Ingraham and Bill O’Reilly, and other well known and respected “conservative” pundits displayed their own character flaws of ignorance and cowardice by insulting Ms. Gellers honor. All of them had a meme that was very similar to the “Watch your step Jews”- the ones helping the other Jews onto the freight trains carrying them to hell.  The only difference is adding the “Yes, but” Ironically, those of us who stand with Pam discovered the truth about those who many Mohammed admire and discovered they have no backbone or principles.

My husband, who’s a Southern boy, told me about how he used to hunt for worms so he could go fishing. The best way, he said, was putting a stick in moist ground, then take a rough file or a saw to the top of the stick and go to work.  Vibrations are then transferred through the stick. The worms don’t like that much and soon crawl out. Pamela Geller shook the virtual sick and all the worms crawled out. I don’t much like the worms and neither do the hundreds of thousands people who communicated their unequivocal support to Ms. Geller.

The latest outrageous Muslim law suit is against a Catholic University for having too many crosses! The insane reason is that they make Muslim students “uncomfortable.” The manager of a New York venue, Sheen Center for Thought and Culture, in Greenwich Village,(of all places) cancelled an anti-censorship theatre event.”because it was clearly an offense to Muslims.” The irony can’t be lost on even the most brainwashed. The Islamofascists have declared war on us; Jews, Christians, Americans, and anyone who believes that free speech is a G-d given right as declared in our Costitution. We are at a point in history where we can’t afford to take our enemies “feelings” into consideration.  Until our  attitude  demonstrates the resoluteness of Pamela Geller’. Robert Spenser, Bosch Fawstin, and the other supporters of free speech at the Garland event we are no longer “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”