We are taught that the USA is a Judeo-Christian country. What exactly does that mean? The holiday Shuvuos, or the Hebrew Shavuot, is a good time to explore that concept. The holiday is the commemoration of the giving of the Ten Commandments and both Judaism and Christianity believe Continue reading
Tag Archives: USA
We Get No Respect
Rodney Dangerfireld became famous with his schtick, “I get no respect.” As a Jew who is truly pro- Israel and not part of the JStreet crowd. I not only get ” no respect,” but instead am characterized with contempt. Continue reading
True Freedom
According to Yehuda Avner’s essential book The Prime Ministers Menecham Begin unapologetic informed Lord Carrington, one of the anti-Semites in the Thatcher government, that Jerusalem was the capital of Israel thousands of years before London was created. He then stood his ground against the suicidal demands of those “enlightened” masters of Israel, knowing that the Jews always stand alone. Prime Minister Begin did what he thought was right for his country and for his extended family of Jews no matter the strength of the enemy,the sentiments of popular journalists, or the lies perpetuated by political foes. So how is this story connected to Chanukah and the United States?
Cultural Sabotage and Collusion
The Zimmerman case gave the whole country, as well as the rest of the world, a window into the ignorance and deeducation of our children. The bankruptcy of Detroit is another window for the oblivious of what’s happening to our country and the politicians who made it possible. Let’s look backward so we can put the decline of our country in perspective.
My husband and I left the Atlanta area in 2000, after the Clinton’s Empowerment Zone initiative gave more than $200,000,000 to poor city areas. Since I was an appointed member of a county Human Relations Commission I was invited to a huge gala announcement. These funds were supposed to be used by different organizations to fix urban neighborhoods. A few years later the Atlanta Journal did a story asking where all the money went. So, I was not surprised to see that fraud and corruption marked the initiative by Democrat and very white-black Mayor Bill Campbell, ending up in federal prison. Not surprisingly, Detroit was another recipient of taxpayer largesse, and the lawlessness that apparently goes hand in hand with government programs. Think Kwame Kilpatrick, the thug Democrat mayor of Detroit convicted of fraud and corruption.
Many people were shocked by Rachel Jentel admitting that she had a 3.0 GPA. I wasn’t. I worked in the school system and know that no matter how bad a student is, or how disrespectful and disruptive, a teacher is forced through bureaucratic rules and its enforcers, the administration, to pass all students no matter that the only thing they know are the latest rap lyrics. Middle class parents pay private schools or home school as well as pay taxes that keep the education bureaucracy alive. They left cities like Detroit and Atlanta so they could live in peace and not watch everything around them be destroyed. We are now paying for a deeducated population with a white-black president who managed to transfer to Harvard after a self proclaimed average performance at Occidental College. His adopted home of Chicago boasts black murders daily, but those guys must not look like him. Personally, I hear my grandmother as she watched her neighborhood change. “How do they burn brick?” she asked. I’m still wondering.