Chanukah: Festival of Miracles

Everyone knows the story of Chanukah. The children’s version is that the Greek Syrians, led by Antiochus, wouldn’t allow Jews to pray in their Temple and were ordered to bow down to idols. Then the army destroyed the Holy of Holies, but the Maccabees fought back and after winning the battle, oil was found that lasted eight days and the Everlasting Light was once again lit. It was a double miracle. Light the candles, spin the dreidle, and eat some latkes and sufganiyot.(jelly doughnuts.)

The actual story is a little more complex. Just like today, there were many Jews who adopted the popular culture. At that time Alexander was busy conquering the world and his Hellenic culture spread to every corner of the Mediterranean. Unlike Jews, The Greeks were a polytheistic society who worshipped idols and admired male beauty and homoerotic culture. Many Jew-ish men even went through the painful operation of reattaching their circumcised foreskin so they could pass and be part of the “elite.” Many of these assimilated Jews ignored the precepts of their religion and even fought against their own people. Apparently having power was more important than their own heritage. We are seeing this once again by many Jews in our own country

There are many Jews in NGOS like the Israel Fund, a faux pro-.Israel organization, that is actually working with and for “Palestinians.” As if this wasn’t enough, many of the major Jewish organizations, like ADL and Hillel aren’t aren’t working for the benefit of Jews anymore. Then we have people like George Soros, who claims he was born into a Jewish aChanukah Mash uphttp://http://

family, Lois Lerner the IRS doyenne who not only went after conservative  organizations, but singled out pro- Israel organizations like Z Street that were in disagreement with this administration’s peace plan.  Democrats like Gruber and Wasserman- Schultz are first class liars with no shame. And how about that Martin  A-dyck Indyck who has made it his personal jihad to crush the Netanyahu government. Although this is an abbreviated list, it would not be complete without mentioning all the Jews who continue to vote for Democrats, even after it is obvious the party is working against the best interest of Israel and even went so far as to deny  G-d three times at the Democrat Naional Convention.

The Greeks promised the Hellenist  Jews power and a rung up the social climbing ladder. How is this any different today? The Grubers and Indyks of the world make millions and are welcomed at all the  Progessive workshops and seminars like heroes. The Hellenists  were traitors to their religion and country. Progressive Jews are no better. Maybe this Chanukah  G-d will provide another miracle. Or maybe the Jewish collaborators will finally realize that in the end all the dastardly plans will come to naught..The Hellenistic Jews disappeared, but traditional Jews are still here and praying. As for myself, I pray that the Progressive Jews not only light candles, but that they  actually see the light.

Mothers and Muthas


An exercise in grade schools these days is ” Comparing and Contrasting.” Venn diagrams are used as  visual aids and students as early as second grade are encouraged to observe  commonalities and differences in  cultures, characters, or classifications. In a personal exercise, done over the last few months, I’ve observed glaring differences between the classy  and the common or more colloquially: mothers and muthas.

It’s quite instructive to compare and contrast  the media bias and hype concerning murders in two different communities. Naftali Fraenkel, Chaya Zissel Braun, Rabbi Moshe Twersky, Rabbi Kalman Levine, and Rabbi Aryeh Kopinsky were Americans murdered for being alive. They were Jews.  Michael Brown, was shot by a police officer  trying to save his own life. Michael Brown was also an American, but  black African- American.

In a school essay, the fact that all the murder victims were Americans would be a major similarity. In a Venn diagram it would be an intersection. The fact that the three rabbis were slaughtered  praying, while Mr. Brown was killed after he robbed a convenience store and threatened a police officer certainly is a major difference. The rabbis were hacked to death by Muslims. The African American “gentle giant” was shot infergusonprotestspic1-e1416364608721 self defense by a policeman.

Naftali Fraenkel was kidnapped and murdered on his way home from studying at a yeshiva.  He was a teenager like  Mr. Brown. Both teenagers were following in the footsteps of their parents. Louis Head, stepfather of Michael Brown, is a member of the Blood gang and incited burning and looting in the Ferguson riots. Leslie Mc Spadden, Michael Brown’s mother, got in a street fight with her  ex-mother-in-law over selling Michael Brown T-shirts   and accused the policeman who killed her son of malevolence “he wanted to murder someone.” The mother of Naftali, on the other hand said in her son’s eulogy : “Rest in peace, my child. We will learn to sing without you. We will always hear your voice in our hearts.”

For some reason the media, including the internet, ran stories about the Ferguson shooting for  weeks. They hyped the grand jury story when there was nothing to tell Dead_rabbiexcept speculation and titillation.  On the other hand, the story of the murdered rabbis disappeared the next day. The story of Baby Chaya. murdered by a Palestinian killer, also disappeared in a blink of the eye. The murdered and mutilated rabbis were fathers  of 24 children.  Those bereft children and widows are now forced to face lives without the fathers and husbands they loved . The community of Har Nof never callled for the blood of the Muslim killers. The parents and loved ones of the Jews who were murdered only ask for peace and an end to the violence. The family of Mr. Brown  incited riots and welcomed race baiters and poverty pimps like Al Sharpton  into their community to instigate violence and looting.

Muslims perpetrated the savage murders in Jerusalem. Muslim mobs celebrated those murders in the streets of Gaza and Ramallah. Coincidently,Muslims are part of the agitating mob in Ferguson and Oakland.  Agitation and violence  are what the media  love to publicize, but the slaughter of innocents to the cry of “Allah Akbar”  is not even newsworthy.  Something is very wrong when mothers are squeezed out of the nightly news by muthas. Could it be the media doesn’t care about the slaughter perpetrated by Muslims in Jerusalem because, after all, they’re only dead Jews.

Listen Up Jews!

Shema is one of the most recited prayers in Judaism. It is normally translated as listen. I’m afraid our country, including Jews who live free and unafraid unlike in Europe, are not following that dictum. It is time we started. We must listen to our inner voices and what our officials, newsmakers and especially enemies are saying. That inner voice is part of our spiritual nature,  Whether we call it our conscience, our soul,an angel, or even G-d it is our guide and moral compass.

Earlier this week Glenn Beck made an unusual and personal revelation about his health. What struck me, beyond his  personal trauma was his dilemma. While his health deteriorated and his enemies continued to smear and slander him, he kept  hearing this voice telling him to continue his difficult and energy sapping work, He soldiered on, praying with every step, and miraculously his  debilitaing illnes was diagnosed properly and his work able to continue.

World Net Daily published the personal  story of Christine Wiek, who courageously stood up in the National Cathedral, where Muslim prayer rugs were spread and her Christian religion was blasphemed. She is called a “heckler” by many media outlets, although reading about her strange journey to this  private closed”interfaith” event  I call her a  brave Christian soldier. Her journey, standing for her country and religion, started with listening to that small still voice. Miraculously, she was not arrested nor was any violence perpetrated against her.

Not only do we have to listen to that voice, but we have to listen to what our enemies say.  The National Cathedral is the church where many presidents and other American political leaders worship. Islamic doctrine states that Christianity and Judaism are  “abrogated ” religions. That means that they no longer have meaning or can exist under Islam.  Bringing a Muslim prayer service, under the guise of  brotherhood, to the National Cathedral was  demonstrating Muslim power over Christians in American.

Then , of course, we have the dhimmi (or is it dummy?) Jews who still aren’t listening to the message being sent to us from our enemies all over the world. Anyone who thinks that a two state solution is possible isn’t listening to the chants of Allah Akbar as Jews are run over or stabbed in Jerusalem.  Arab leaders like Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) exhort their people to kill Jews because its their obligation as Muslims.  Instead of decrying the murder of innocents our president and Arabist State department scolds and threatens Israel for building houses in its own country.

Leaders of the Conference of Jewish Organizations issued a milquetoast statement after the Jeffery Goldberg article in The Atlantic. In it he stated that Prime Mimister Natanyahu was called unacceptable and derogatory names by White House officials. That would have started an uprising with a  less civilized tribe. It’s time for Jews to listen to what’s being said. Democrats have accepted the One World idea of the Nazis and their Arab allies. Its Jewish minions are the new kapos. The Democrat platform denied G-d three times and stated that  Jerusalem has to work out its “final status.” Why would any Jews give them money or loyalty? I’d like to think that its only because they’re not really listening, not because they’re self hating Jews. G-d is the creator of miracles. Glenn listened to that inner voice and so did Ms. Wiek. All we have to do is start listening.

Jerusalem, Israel 5775

Old_Jerusalem_Dung_Gate_2Monday, November 3, 2014( the Jewish year 5775) the Supreme Court of the United States heard arguments about whether Israel should be stamped on passports for American citizens born in Jerusalem. According to the Jerusalem Post the breakdown  is probably, as usual, four justices voting against,  with the tie  broken by Kennedy. Three of those four are Jews or as I stated in a former post here just Jew-ish. They are of the same communist lite thinking that goes against all the beliefs of Judaism. Apparently, in their much vaunted status and hyper intelligence, they have forgotten or disregarded Kerensky, Trotsky, and many other high ranking Jews  murdered in order to promulagate Communism and the rise of its dictators. If these Jewish anti- Semites win, there is no other word to describe their decision except the Yiddish word shanda,or shame, on them.

Our media propaganda machine: constantly vomits out Palestinian lies and distortions while our State Department swallows its swill Many people are unaware that Foggy Bottom has a long history of siding with Arabs. We should be thankful our Congress takes the moral high ground by siding with Israel. To be clear: The Muslims have no  viable historical claim to Jerusalem.  It is, and always will be the eternal capital of Israel, as claimed by King David around 1000 BCE. Jeff Dunetz writer of The Lid here cites a paper by Rifka Fishman-Duka ennumerating  Greek and Roman sources from the third century BCE-third century CE mentioning Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish country, Israel. Although it was lost to conquering armies, it was miraculously regained twice. including the 1967 War started by five Arab countries.

Our Congress signed a 2002 US law requiring that “Jerusalem, Israel” be placed on  passports.  The executive branch enforces laws. The State part of the executive Branch. The bureaucrats decided not to follow the law.

This snafu started with President George W. Bush, who signed the law, but said it interfered with his responsibility to direct foreign affairs. It is clear that our current president believes the same, based on the arguments of Mr. Varelli who is representing the executive branch. He had the audacity to compare  Jerusalem being the capital of Israel to recognizing Crimea as legally part  of Russia. I hope the justices know that the Russians rolled  tanks into Crimea and stole it like an armed thief. while international law recognizes the Jewsih national home as stated in the Balfour Declation in San Remo in 1921.

Justice Antonin Scalia said the court’s concern was with law,  “If it is within Congress’s power, what difference does it make whether it antagonizes foreign countries?” “The fact,” he added, “that the State Department doesn’t like  that it makes the Palestinians angry is irrelevant.”

As a US citzen, it seems to me,

A model of the ancient Jerusalem

A model of the ancient Jerusalem .

that Justice Scalia only has one thing wrong.  It should have said faux Palestinians. As a Jew I hope and pray our government does what’s right. Jerusalem is written in our prayer books more than 700 times. It is never mentioned in the Koran. Every Passover Jews pray” Next year in Jerusalem.” Maybe next year our government will have the integrity and strength to admit Jerusalem is in Israel. Jerusalem, Israel 5775.


